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Recap; Laksh was scared for Raginis safety. He loves her a lot n he beat up Ratan who is trying to get Ragini.

Laksh woke up in the middle of the night he went to the window of the apartment.

Laksh woke up in the middle of the night he went to the window of the apartment

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(It's the Hilton hotel but I needed a pic of a window view😉).

Laksh was looking into the night life he was still angry abt that Ratan. He is lost in his thoughts like he even Ragini can feel the absence of him.

Ragini woke up by the coldness the body heat of Laksh was missing. She was wrapped in the light blanket she sat up on the bed to search for her Laksh... her gaze went through the bedroom but she couldn't find him....

Ragini got scared her heartbeat raised she just stood up n looked for him over the apartment.

Laksh was leaning on the window one of his hand was resting on the window glass n his head on his hand.

Ragini mind was playing with her. Where has he gone I find him. Oh Plz God I just hope he hasn't done anything wrong plz he needs to be save I won't be able live without him. His love is my strength.

Laksh was upset. Damn it. I'm the worst of all. I can't even save my girls dignity from he touched her with his hand how dare he. I wasn't there n then on top of that I left her alone bcz I thought she might wanted it.

Laksh made a fist n hit his hand against the window glass.

Ragini heard the sound. Study room. She rushed to his study room n back hugs him. Laksh; Ra.... he couldn't end as Ragini turns him n gave him a tight slap.

Laksh hold his cheek. Ragini...?!.

Ragini was hitting him with her palms she was "slapping" on his body with a crying face.

Laksh - what I have done?! -.

Laksh holds her tight n enclosed her in his arms. Ragini was crying on his chest.

Laksh; I'm sorry Ragini! Please forgive me!

Ragini; how dare u to leave me alone. U know how much I hate it!!! The nights scares me n u r hiding from me... my heartbeat 💗. How can I live without u!! U don't care for me! U just do what u like to do! N most of the time u r hurting me.

Ragini pushes him. Laksh face changed... he was sad abt her words. Ragini plz don't say this I love u more than my life y would I hurt u??!!! Ragini; oh u love me but u don't trust me. Laksh; I'm sorry for that na he used the situation perfectly. Ragini; so what couldn't u see my paining face? U where u just attracted that he was that close to me. Laksh anger fumes. Ragini!!!

Laksh hold her arms his grip around her arms was very tight. But she loves it!. Laksh; how dare u to think even say something like this??? Y would be attracted to his behaviour I was hurt n angry. Haan I misunderstood the situation but wasn't happy abt it.

Laksh had turned her to the window. She was now leaning on the glass front.

Laksh; do u think I want to share u?!. Do I know y I'm asking u to take the pill n let me do some extra safety bcz I'm not ready to share u with anyone not even with a child made by u n me. U r only mine Ragini no one can take u away from me.

Ragini; Laksh... leave na.... Laksh angry face changed to a caring face he looks at her arms n loses his grip. Laksh; Ragini I'm sorry. Ragini put her hands around his neck. Naa u r not. Laksh; don't say this! U know I am. Ragini; haan but he is not... she was feeling his erection.

Laksh was feeling a heat on his face he was embarrassed 😳. Ragini u r naked in front of me. That is common for me to be erected. He lifts her by one hand.

Ragini; looks at him with a smile. He has licked her tears away now he is licking her dry part.

Ragini was moaning his name..


Laksh erection was on his top he made her lie on the bed but she refused him. She closed her legs.

Laksh pouts. Hmm Ragini please let me in!! He  made a puppy face. But Ragini denies it. She calls him to lie next to her.

Laksh was looking as he would explode anytime. She whispers... we had it na... the pill won't work for the rest of the night.... n u know very well I don't like a condom between us!!!

Laksh hmm he nod his hand her voice was very husky making him more horny.

Ragini kisses his earlobe. Laksh groans


Laksh couldn't hold it anymore. Baby don't move Ragini said. But Laksh was looking at her with the lust she wasn't expecting that soon...

Laksh; open ur mouth... he was having difficulties. Ragini kisses his lips n agrees. She opens her mouth Laksh enters with his tongue it is not what he had requested but he knows she loves to play with him.

Soon Laksh turns her on the bed holding her face. Ragini smiles she knew what he will do now. Without wasting anymore of his impatience she down.

She opens her mouth to let him enter with his hard part.... Laksh was dragging she had made him to wait a lot he wasn't caring anymore he wanted to feel the satisfaction.

Ragini was feeling him inside her. Her hands were on his bottom she was holding him....

Laksh; aahhh Ra... Raaagini

Ragini was drinking him he had come... she was full of his seeds on the next morning he was still doing it the night went but his lust stayed.

Laksh was looking at her she was red more than this she was feeling a new heat inside her. Laksh has given her a new experience making love with her. They had done this before but not in this extent.

Laksh looked at her. Ragini u r mine! Ragini nods. Only urs! Laksh nods with a smile. He lifts her to the washroom.

Ragini n Laksh went to College n Laksh has warned each n everyone... not to come closer to his Ragini.

Ragini was happy but also angry as everyone was staying away from her....

Ragini was angry on Laksh. Laksh! I told u not to do anything which could risk ur career but u r not listening to me y? Laksh pout. It happened a week ago that I fought with him leave it na.

Ragini; how can I forget this??  Laksh looks at her. Did he troubled u again??? Ragini denied it. No Laksh he didn't. Laksh; then where is the problem? Ragini; he can do anything maybe he is just waiting for the right opportunity?!.

Laksh thought but didn't care all he wanted was her. He pushed her on the bed. Ragini landed on her back looking at him with her hunger for his love.

Laksh spread her legs n enters her again n again....

Hope that was more lust😉
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