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Follybraverl now it will be what you wished 😉.
Dears I won't mention recaps as this story always starts from new hehe 😉.

Ragini was at college after the lustful night with Laksh she didn't wanted to wake him n went alone...

Laksh was still sleeping the last night made him tired but soon his eyes opens n he was searching his lady love...

Laksh rubs his eyes... half sleepy half awake he was searching her but he couldn't find her in their bedroom. He yawns... Ragini! He was calling her but she didn't reply... Laksh was annoyed... He stood up n his nature. He walks out of the room... She wasn't at the living room nor in the kitchen. He scratches his head.

Laksh - Where has she gone? -.

He took out his mobile for n looked if she has send him a message... How mobile is destroyed.. He hits with his palm on his forehead...

He stood up n took a shower... Thinking of his love... - Baby where r u? -.

Ragini was attending her classes. A friend of her Meena.

Meena; Where is Laksh?

Ragini; Sleeping in peace.

Meena; u two r too much aren't u scared?.

Ragini looked at her. Scared of what?.

Meena; Pregnancy?. Or...

Ragini gave her a frowned look. What?!.

Meena; getting bored of each other?!

Raginis eyes widen. No Way! He would never get bored of me!

Meena; ok what of u get bored of him?.

Ragini shocked her mouth was reaching the ground. No I love him!.

Meena; fine but what if?.

Ragini; What if? 

Meena; look I'm not saying u should look for a better party but what if u try to make him jealouse...

Ragini; Y should I make him jealouse?. U don't know what happens after.... She was thinking. Her lips turned to a mischievous smile.

Ragini smirks further thinking of her plan...

Laksh wore his clothes... - Baby miss u! -.

He again checked his mobile... She could message him from a friends mobile... But nothing...☹.

Laksh took his bag. He made his way to college where he was looking for his Baby...

Ragini was with the classmates one of them Jim is gay but he doesn't look like one... 😎.

Ragini was caressing his hand n arm. She was giving him smiles in flirty attire...

Laksh who got to know that she is in her class walks to her with a small gift 😊.

Laksh; Ragini! He was checking each room when he saw Ratan...

Ratan was looking at him in equal anger n hate.

Laksh; move aside.

Ratan; U better stay away..

Laksh smirks. U should! Now move of my way.

Ratan; Don't forget I am ur Senior

Laksh; just shook his head. So what u r my senior! What will u do?. It is ur final year u will leave but me n Ragini will stay. Now move out of my way.

Ratan hold his collar. Laksh last time I let u hit me but this time it is me who is going to beat U.

Laksh pushes him away. Oh yeah let's see if u r able to hit me. Ratan; fine!.

They met at the campus..

Meena comes running. Ragini!!!

Ragini; Uff Laksh hasn't come yet if he were here he had seen me in flirty way.

Meena; Ragini he is here but he is...

Ragini; What?. Meena say?.

Meena; He is going to fight with Ratan...

Ragini; What?!?!?!

Ragini Meena n Jim runs out to the campus.

Laksh was fighting with Ratan. Both were looking awful.

Ragini; He promised me not to fight.

Laksh holds Ratans collar. U better stay away...

Ratan punches him. Laksh hold his nose.

Ragini; Laksh!!! She scares alot. She was crying bitterly n turns to Jim..

Jim enclosed her in his embrace... He hugs her n hold her tight let her cry.

Laksh loses his control his anger changed to jealousy...

Ratan took the opportunity n starts to hit Laksh again... But Laksh didn't care. Ragini was hugging another man... She was crying on another man's chest... She belongs to him only him...

Laksh got a punch on his stomach. Laksh shouts... Aaahh the pain he was feeling was giving Ragini the hurt...
She couldn't look at him.. please let's go from here...

Laksh Got another punch this time on his face... His nose was bleeding continuously.

Laksh faints...


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