RagLak hurt

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recap; Laksh got into a fight with Ratan. Ragini couldn't bear it n cries on Jims chest... Laksh heart was broken... Ragini vanished from there n Laksh faints after a hit of Ratan...

Meena; Ragini!!!
Ragini!!! she was running looking n searching for Ragini...

Ragini was hiding her crying face - he knows I can't see him in pain! then Y he had to fight! his pain means my pain! -

Meena reaches the class room Ragini was crying bitterly. Ragini!!! She was out of breath but still managed to talk.

Ragini looked at up with tear filled eyes her  lachrymal sacks were welled up 😢😭.

Meena was breathing hard.. she stammers L..  La... Laksh!

Ragini stood up n runs to her. What is with Laksh?

Meena; he faints... he is bleeding badly...

Ragini pushes Meena n rushed out to the campus side.

Ragini cries didn't found an end no they were rolling down like a waterfall... - Laksh ur Ragini is coming!!!! -.

Ratan was looking at him in anger n hate. Now u see what happens when u mess with me. He was making a fist ready to punch Laksh in his unconscious situation when Ragini pushed Ratan away.

Ratan was surprise as he never thought Ragini would have the strength to push him but for Laksh she will cross any limits...

Ragini; how dare U! U bastard! Leave him!

Ratan looked at her... Ragini; I said leave him!

Ratan loses his grip on Laksh n he falls on the ground but before he could hit the ground Ragini caught him. She places his head on her lap n cried bitterly.

Please Laksh open ur eyes!!! She was pleading him. Layers of tears were escaping her eyes...

Laksh felt the wetness on his face but couldn't open his eyes he was too weak

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Laksh felt the wetness on his face but couldn't open his eyes he was too weak. Meena; Ragini I called an ambulance. U don't worry Haan. He will be fine soon.

Meena was trying to console her but only Laksh can do that with his smile his kiss his care his love. Ragini was sobbing like a baby who is missing his mom. She took her handkerchief n was trying to stop the blood which was still flowing through his nose n his head injury.

The ambulance arrived. They placed Laksh on the stretcher n rolled him into the ambulance. Ragini too sat in holding his hand tight.

They reached the hospital after 20 min but they stabilised Laksh condition. He was taken to the OT his nose was broken n had to be straightening. He got stitches on the head injury.

The parents of RagLak reaches there too. Laksh was admitted to a patients room Ragini was resting her head on his chest holding his hand which was bandaged as he broke a few finger bones...

AP comes n placed her hand on her head. Ragini looked up. She cries loud n hugs her.
Ragini; Maa look at him (she calls AP n Laksh calls Jaanki also Maa). He never listens to me. AP took her in her embrace n caresses her back. U know he is short tempered. Jaanki; y didn't u stop him. (Ya the mom take the side of the other one). Ragini was hiding on APs shoulder. AP; it's Laksh fault don't scold her.

The father's r smart they stayed out of that!

AP; u don't worry he will fine soon. Jaanki; I better hope for U! U n ur stupid plays u always make him to do these foolish things. Ragini; Maa 😭.

Laksh sleep got disturbed by their arguing. He slowly opens his eyes... it felt hard for him he was blinking his eyelids a few times to adjust with the light. Laksh; Maa. His voice was dry n low. Jaanki hold his hand n caresses his head. A kiss on his forehead n Laksh was smiling.

AP: Laksh look what u have done poor Ragini. Look at her state. Jaanki; enough! I'm sure it was Raginis fault. Don't blame my son. Laksh rolls his eyes. But he saw the tear filled eyes of Ragini with guilt n pain.

Laksh turns his face as he doesn't wanted to see her. Maa can they leave. I don't want them here. Jaanki; fumes. I knew it Ragini it's all ur fault! Now leave! She n AP left the patients room.

Ragini; I haven't done anything initially I don't know what had happened to him. AP; I know beta. She caresses her face n kisses her cheek.

Laksh doesn't wanted to see Ragini but he got discharged after a few days. Ragini was waiting at home for him.

Laksh directly went to the bedroom not facing Ragini!

Ragini felt hurt. She knows he is angry but y is he angry? Her mobile was done she couldn't use it how should she inform him?!.

Laksh was on the bed. Ragini; Laksh do u need something? Laksh ignores her. Ragini pout but she was more than before. How can he ignore me!

Ragini was in the hall sleeping on the couch as Laksh doesn't wanted her.

Laksh - u hugged another man n left me alone! U know u r my weakness n my strength how could u leave me alone! -.

Ragini - Laksh u fought with him after u promised me u won't! U know I can't see u hurt I couldn't bear it ur pain is my pain. Y don't u understand this! -.

Laksh was coughing in the night. But there was no water in the room. He was still weak n couldn't walk that properly.

Ragini bears him coughing she filled a glass of water n brought it him. He drunk it! But he still ignores her. Not even a thank u or a glare on her.

Ragini; Laksh u need a new dressing...

Laksh gave her a death glare...

She left with a pout.

Soon he fall asleep n Ragini re-enters the room. She changed his bandage on his head applying ointment on his wound...

Ragini was blowing air on the wounds... Laksh was awake he was feeling her care as soon as she enters the room his sleep got disturbed he could sense her miles away.

Ragini did his dressing n slowly stood up. Laksh hold her hand n pulls her toward him.

Without a word both were sleeping on the same bed....

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