Little Laksh 🤣 - UPDATE

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Hi don't hate me! I got this idea...

Recap; Laksh is now fine after their silent love.

Now it's been 7 weeks Laksh is fine but he hasn't touched his girl after that.

Ragini was getting ready she was just in a towel  with her wet hairs she was spreading the water on him shaking her head backwards on him.

Laksh; Ragini whatever u r trying it is not working!

Ragini pouts. It is not working? She removes her towel to show him her well formed body...

Laksh was happy to see n touch her her but it wasn't working he wasn't working his little friend wasn't getting stiff.

Ragini sat on his lap... Laaaaksh! She cups his face n steals his kisses biting on his lips...

Laksh was holding her waist normally the waist was all he has to see to get hard but since the incident he don't. It doesn't work for him.

Ragini kisses his jaw she went lower to his chest n nipple... to his abs but he wasn't changing... Ragini reaches his little friend... who was in his original state. She kisses him there but nothing was changing...

Ragini fumes in anger. Laksh! U better do something I'm not gonna kiss u again as long as ur problem is not solved.

She stood up n wore her clothes.

Laksh was just thinking - the day has started with a bang but a wrong one! -.

He too wore his clothes n was ready to leave with her. Ragini hold his hand. Laksh; sorry?!.
Ragini pouts. I know u r but how long will I wait I want to feel u again inside me! Laksh I'm waiting very long for it!

Laksh; I know! Don't u think I want to be in U... pleasure U? He was pinning her on the wall of the elevator. Ragini loves his possessive side but even this wasn't working as Laksh wasn't feeling right.

They reach the parking area.

Laksh; what is this? Where is my motorcycle?
Ragini; no motorcycle for U! There r many risk for an accident.

Laksh looked at her with love. Oh Mera Baacha! Still scared?. Ragini nods. Laksh kisses her cheek. Ragini; only cheek??? Laksh hold her face with his hand n turns her toward him n seals her lips with his...

They reached college.

Ratan was waiting there but Laksh didn't care Ragini had made him promise her not to fight ever again if not necessary! Laksh knows how much she had suffered while he was unable for anything she isn't use to do all be herself but she did this with greatness. Now it was his time to care abt her n her wish.

The class was going on when Laksh enters he had to learn a lot well he had to catch up the work he had missed in the last 7 weeks.

Ragini was in her class her concentration was lost she was only thinking of Laksh. - hope he is not going to doing anything wrong?! -.

The lectures were over n Laksh was sitting on the bonnet of his car. Waiting for his love. A cigarette in his hand which Ragini hates to the core.

Ragini; Laksh! U smoke again...!
Laksh throw it away. Sorry! Holding his ears.

Ragini; let's go home! Laksh nods.

But Ragini didn't talk to him... the whole way...

Laksh made the dinner. Rice with dal n curd.

Ragini silently eats it... Laksh; Ragini does it taste gud?. She nods. Laksh pouts... Ragini I love U!. Ragini stood up n leaves the table... finishing her plate.

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