Ratan 😡

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Recap; RagLak r in a living-in relationship. Ratan wants Ragini but Ragini is only Laksh.

Laksh woke up first after the loved filled night. Ragini was sleeping covered with a silk light blanket the blanket was so thin that Laksh could see her nipples through it. As he is crazy abt her he goes near them n sucked them in. She moans... Laksh... baby breakfast.

Laksh smiles at her he walked to the kitchen. Completely naked both r like that she too stood up. Idiot u woke me to early.

Laksh did as if he hasn't heard her. Ragini comes from back n bite on his shoulder. Laksh; do something like this again n I will throw u on the floor n will drag in u n then no one will be able to rescue u...

Ragini was thinking to do it again as she was in a kind of habit of his unusual way of loving her. Laksh do it na.. He turns her made her sit on the surface of the kitchen he spread her legs in enters her...

He stopped before she could come. Laksh! U did it again. Laksh; chup bilkul chup {shh just shh}. He went from there in their bedroom she follows him. With foil....

Laksh look foil... no tension. Laksh looked at her with a weird face foil??? He had to smirk. Ragini comes closer but Laksh pushes her away. Ragini pout... Laksh what is wrong with u?

Laksh looked at her in his hand he held the mobile. What is this??? Ragini; a mobile phone my phone! Laksh; haan ur phone y the hell does this Ratan has to call u late in the night? Ragini; please baby don't be angry on me but he... Laksh turns. He what??? Just block his number. Or do U have something for him?

Ragini; Hold him kisses his lips. No Laksh don't think like this.

Laksh; stop it. Just tell me. He shouts at her.

Ragini; Baby I tried but he is so stalking kind. Laksh; what Ragini please if he troubles u then tell me.

Ragini; he is ur senior n he does blackmails me. Laksh; what? How?.

Ragini was scared. He said. He will make u fail. U know how important ur study n career is. I can't take any risk. Laksh; prove it! Ragini; y don't u trust me? She goes to her MacBook to search for the mail.

Laksh comes from back n hold her breast. Ragini; u naughty. Laksh; shut up. How many times I told u not to open the laptop when u r naked as their a many spywares. Ragini; ok fine now squeeze at least once. Laksh; noe who is naughty? Ragini; do na... Ouch! u r bad. Laksh; I'm not bad I'm ur husband.

Ragini laughs. U call that married. Laksh; I'm ur sand box love. i marrid u under a tree when we were... hmm how old we were?.

Ragini turns to face him. She puts her hands around his neck. If I'm not wrong we were... 4 years old. Laksh; see. Ragini; but that is not a marriage... Laksh; so I'm not married I'm single.... 😁. Ragini; nahi. She hugs him. U r married to me. Laksh hugs her back. Laksh kisses her lips.

Ragini; break the kiss. Do u want to see the mail or not? Laksh sat on the chair he made her sit on his lap...

Ragini moans.... aaahhh Laksh!

Laksh; what? Now check n show me the mail.
Ragini; how? Laksh; what how? Just do it u can see the laptop or not?

The laptop was on the desk Laksh was sitting with his back to the desk n Ragini on his lap.

Ragini nod. She comes closer to him just to check the mail. Laksh moans.... Laksh; hmm ride naa Ragini wasn't interested. She checked the mails... found it. Laksh twirl with the chair.

Ragini was surprised by his fast turn. He rolls with the chair front n back. By his act he was making her moan.

Laksh was reading the email. What the hell? He wants to deframe me.

Ragini was looking at him. I told u na. I'm not doing this in purpose it is all for u. Laksh was holding her cheek.

Laksh; but Ragini it is wrong I will send this email to the principal. Ragini; the principal is his fathers friend. Laksh; so what he will blackmail u like this n u will agree to his terms... What did he wrote. U should leave me... Laksh hold her tight.

If u ever think abt to leaving me I will kill myself.

Ragini hugs him tight. I will never leave U. I will rather then die than being someone else.

Ragini is only made for Laksh... Laksh is only made for Ragini....

He lifts her on the bed.

Laksh; U r right it is to early where is ur foil... Ragini smiles at him....

Moans n Groans were to hear of two lovers...

One who was listening to that was Ratan....

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