Silent love

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Recap; Laksh hospitalised but back home. Ragini is trying to talk to him but he ignoring her. At the night she dressed his wounds n he made her lie on his chest...

Laksh woke up first he was on his bed in his bedroom his love was still having her beauty sleep. He was angry n showed it to her with his silence.

She wasn't moving much her head was still resting on his chest.. he was feeling her hot breath on his body but he didn't wake her even being angry of her he still loves her... she is his lifeline.

He places his hand under her shirt on her back. A shiver run down her spine even in sleep mode she was affected by his touch. A smile embellish her face.

He slowly moved with his thumb on her back not more just the thumb was enough to give her a sensational feeling. Her hands which weren't touching him as she was scared were now clutching his shirt.

Ragini was happy she slowly opens her eyes but she didn't look up. She doesn't want to ruin the moment as she knows he is still angry with her.

She closed her eyes - just for those small moments I want to rest my whole life on ur chest! -.

He had sensed it she is awake but he too doesn't want to ruin the moment.

Ragini - I can wait long for anything but not for ur love I need it now I want it now but I will try to behave myself not to spoil ur mood. Ur love is all I ever asked for ur silence is hurting me but more than this it is ur ignorance. Laksh please love don't ignore me! -.

Laksh felt the teardrops on his chest her hands had moved to his back he didn't utter a word. But he was caressing her back only with thumb giving her many currents of love she had missed for more than a month.

Ragini sniffs she removes her tears. She stood up with a word n left the room. He tried to stop her by holding her wrist but she shook her head not turning to him. He releases her n she leaves.

Laksh - I know u r hurt but what is with my pain u gave me leaving me alone! -.

Ragini took time but she returned with a tray she had filled it with food. She sat on the bedside n took a piece of the paratha. She dipped it in a chutney n hold it in front of his mouth.

Ragini was pleading with her eyes. Laksh opens. His mouth for her. He eat her food tears of happiness escaped her eyes.

Laksh wanted to wipe them away but he didn't his ego was stopping him but she didn't care she saw the pain in his eyes too. He didn't met with her gaze but it was ok as long as he was eating n let her feeding him n taking care on him.

Ragini made him drink water. She put the tray back to the kitchen n cleans it. She did whole housework which normally Laksh does but not yet he is suffering n she won't let him suffer more.

Laksh was looking at her hand from far she made the parathe they were perfect he wanted to praise her but his anger didn't let him speak. But she knows he liked them as he eat all of them. He saw the burning marks tears were skipping down his eyes.

Ragini felt a pain she turns in that moment he turns too to wipe his tears he felt seeing her pain. Ragini comes in she made him sit.

Laksh looked at her... - what is she up to? -.

Ragini took fresh clothes n a towel. She placed them in the washroom. He could hear the rinsing of water.

Laksh - is she feeling the 🛀 tube? She knows I have to bath! -.

Ragini comes n took his hand she helped him by taking of his clothes. He even tried to remove her hand but she wasn't leaving him.

Soon Laksh was naked she made him sit in the tube... he pouts he hated it to take a bath alone. She knows it very well. But what to do he stinks!.

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