painting memory

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Hi (pre valentine)

recap; date in washroom 😉😂.

Laksh is a great painter n Ragini wants to decorate their hall wall colour she already choose a colour of marine blue as it will give the room a new atmosphere.

Laksh was at college attending his class while Ragini had free lecture n she decided to surprise him by her own work. As she always ask for his help but not this time when he will come the room will be done.

Ragini took the brush n dipped it in the colour tin. She starts with colouring of the walls n was exhausted after an hour... she was looking at the wall which wasn't complete not even the quarter of it... she pouts 😩. Laksh will be very angry on me he will come home after clg n work n then this... oh no!!! Extra work...

Ragini was thinking abt his reaction n scares... he will surely scold me n then he will be mad n angry but then... 🤔 best sex 🤤 he always do regret n redeem with gud reconciliation sex... 😍.

Ragini thought... okay I will take the risk with benefit 😏.

She was sitting on the ground unknown of the fact that Laksh has arrived. He come in he does a job as a waiter to earn some extra money as they do not want to ask every time their parents for money.

Laksh do the work also to fulfil all her smallest wishes she has. Laksh was looking around he took off his shoes n places them on the floor one east one west. He enters the hall n saw her sitting on the floor. His gaze lifted from the floor to the wall which wasn't painted...

Ragini was playing on the mobile chatting with her friends but not working on the wall... Laksh anger raised he do the work n comes home no food no clothes nothing is prepared for him.

Laksh was flattering in anger he had made a fist

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Laksh was flattering in anger he had made a fist. Ragini!!!! He shouts her name as loud as possible.

Ragini frighten she let her mobile fall n it landed in the colour tin...

Ragini; my mobile 😩😩😩😢😢😢. She tried to save it but the colour reached into the mobile inner.

She stood up. Laksh! Look what u did?!. Laksh was giving her a death glare. I did this? Ragini who had come to him now moved backwards.

Ragini stammers. W.. woh.. La... Laksh u know... I'm urs naa... u ca... can't be angry on me. Laksh comes near her hold her hair.

Ragini; Laksh! Ur r hurting me!

Laksh loses his grip of her. I won't do the painting I'm hungry n exhausted n now I have to buy u a new mobile for what? Nothing!!!! Bcz there is nothin for me here it is all urs. Laksh was hurt as much as he do it is never enough.

Ragini felt hurt too she didn't do it in purpose it happen that her mobile fall in the colour tin.

Ragini follows him but he had closed the door. Laksh!!! Please open the door... ok I'm sorry please open the door!!! I wanna talk to u.

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