My Valentine night +21

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Hi okay this will be very vulgar

Follybraverl it was ur request I hope u will like it...?!

Laksh was at college the day starts with a fight.

FB morning

Laksh woke up early in the morning he was having a man issue morning glory. Hand job? blow job? Or pussy job?.

Ragini was sleeping he was looking at her last night was awesome n the result is just he wants again.

Ragini...? He shakes her. Ragini waves him away.

Laksh again tries. Ragini...? She hiss him.

Laksh moves backwards but he was up he kisses her shoulder. Ragini wasn't not in the mood. Laksh... leave me...

Laksh fumes Ragini please I need u! Ragini; turns in anger. What is? Laksh kisses her lips. Ragini pushes him. Laksh irritates. What? U don't want! But y?

Ragini stretches her arms. Laksh go to washroom n do it by urself! Laksh widen his eyes. U want me to do it myself like if u do it by urself. Now u come with ur lust to me there will be nothing to give u bcz I won't give u anything.

Ragini; Laksh?! Uff I don't care I will sleep further. She put the blanket over her n sleeps further.

Poor Laksh was under the shower n giving himself a job... 😜.

FB ends

Laksh was thinking of it n was very angry how could she do this to me... in his anger he let the pen break in between his fingers.

Ragini knee Laksh was angry on her but what could she do? She was so tired of the last night that she just couldn't let him. Now she was looking for him as it was Valentine's Day she understood her mistake but Laksh is Laksh he stays away from her very angry.

Ragini was waiting at the canteen with other students like he wished it. Laksh comes saw her n leaves from there. He was very angry annoyed by her drama he was just ignoring her. Ragini pout but what he can do she can do better.

She stood up n talked to other students mainly male students to make him more angry n jealous. U

Laksh was fuming in anger. How dare she openly flirting with them I'm here she shouldn't do that!.

Laksh walks to her n grabs her aaaahhh. Ragini screams but Laksh didn't care in that moment.

He took her to an empty class of the higher floors.

Ragini; Laksh leave me. U r bad! Laksh; I'm bad? He said grinding his teeth's. He pushes her on the bench.
He unbutton his jeans n spread her legs..

Ragini moans his name. Laaakssssshhhh!

Laksh was looking at her he stopped as he doesn't wanted to give her any pleasure moment. He remembers of his morning saying. N left incomplete.

Ragini bites on her lower lips he was abt to leave but she hold his shirt from back. She digs her nails into his chest. Laksh loves it like she loves his possessive way.

Ragini made him turn. Laksh was looking at her but he was trying to avoid his erection... but this was impossible. He pushed her away. Ragini stopped him she kisses him widely but he doesn't wanted it.

Ragini holds on his dick... Laksh was looking at her both were holding each other but Ragini was the one with the stern look. She pushes him on the same bench where she was before.

Laksh turns his face ignoring his erecting n weakness Ragini. But Ragini was determined. She sat on his lap on his hart part. But Laksh wasn't responding to her. She kisses him licks him she bites on his lips sucked them but He wasn't giving her the satisfaction she wanted to have.

Ragini; better u give me what I want or else?

Laaaaaaakkkssssshhhhh aaaahhhhh!!!

Laksh; or else what?!?? He said in anger? Will I go to someone else?

Ragini shook her head. Laksh was angry he let out his anger on her. Ragini was moaning his name she was having his seeds inside her wetting her dried vagina. She was moving on his movement even being brutal she was loving it....

Laksh anger was gone he was kissing her neck giving her a love mark... just this one he was looking on that one spot.

Ragini was digging her nails into his shoulders. Laksh felt the love making pain but he didn't care he wanted her so badly that he was ready to take all from her.

The benches were now disturbing him as he needed more place.

He lifts her up n moves to the wall. Pushing her on the wall he himself was pushing inside her.

Ragini was holding his head she was kissing his nose but he was busy dragging inside her.

Ragini moans his name moving to his rhythm her bare chest was collides with his chest. He had token of their clothes but Ragini was still not satisfied there was something he wasn't giving her.

Laksh has stopped n they wore their clothes.

Laksh; at home I will show u what I can do!? U got it!

Ragini nods. With a smile.

She already had got what she wanted now she will get more.

Ragini was counting the time just a few minutes more was all she was thinking. Then his hard long dick will enter my n wettest me oh Laksh... hmm she was thinking of him which gave her an orgasm.

On their way home Ragini was sitting behind him. Laksh do u want something! Laksh was concentrating on the traffic. Ragini was annoying she wants him to talk to her or at least speak to her even a scold would work.

They reached home. Laksh picked her up on his shoulder. Ragini;'I don't know what but yeah do it.

Laksh n Ragini were waiting for the lift but Laksh already unbutton himself his jeans... he took out a condom n pushes Ragini inside the elevator.

Laksh lifts her he spread her legs n enters her. She moans again his name.


Laksh was enjoying it h couldn't stop making her wet as the condom ripped off by his strong doing. The reached their floor n Laksh Carrie her in.

He lies with her in her bed. Laksh was looking at her her moans n groans has made him to do more.

Ragini turns him over... she rode him her hands were on his chest but she to likes it n she knew that Laksh will give her a punishing.

Laksh was out of her but he looked at her with care. Now take it in ur mouth 👄 suck on it till I come n drink it n don't u dare to stop me.

Ragini was down she took his iron in her mouth n was sucking it first very slow but Laksh got harden again he turns her she was under him n his dick was inside her mouth she was used to it but not like this. Laksh was out of control she was feeling his dick inside her mouth n near her throat.

Laksh fasten the speed he was coming his cum made his way he couldn't hold it anymore he moans her name Raaaagini...

Ragini was drinking him. He stopped as he was done... he was breathing heavily...

Ragini... Laksh... I want more..!

Laksh hold her hair n lifts her up. He made her sit on his face her vagina was over his mouth what she could do he can do too.

Laksh licks n kisses her. Ragini felt as if she was riding him well she was indeed riding his face. Her moans reached another hight...

Laksh dragged his tongue inside her vagina.

Laksh went deeper n she got a orgasm she wasn't ever expecting she falls backwards she closed her eyes n fall asleep...


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