Laksh is sick

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Who has missed the story? June was the last Update.... 😓🙈

Recap: RagLak went out for a date and had some fun.

Laksh has changed still his anger was not leaving him. "Ragini what is this? You won't go out wearing these clothes. I'm sick and can't protect you!". Ragini rolls her eyes. "Oh please Laksh it's nothing to worry about. Who will try to mess with me knowing you are my boyfriend". She kisses his red nose and his dry lips. "Ragini don't you will get ill too!".

Ragini shook her head. "See that happens having sex in the rain!". Laksh smirks. "Don't tell me you didn't liked it? After all it was you who asked me to repeat it... hatshi 🤧!". Ragini felt bad. "Oh Laksh!". She caresses his head and thought to stay. "Laksh maybe I should stay and look after you. Only then I will get to know that you are taking your medicine on time or not". She kisses his dry lips again and he nods. "Okay stay!". She stood up and he smirks and coughs. *cough cough*.

Ragini called her friend to inform the professor. "Please leant me your notes later!". Her friend agreed and Ragini come back looking at him. She gave him water and pats his back. "Oh my poor Laksh!". She cares for him like she used to do when he was ill in the past.

Laksh was smiling at her. She is a bad cook, but when it comes to him she always do her best and made the best soup. "Babe with lots of celeriac!". He demands and Ragini smiles. "I know and less carrots, right!". Laksh smiles and was happy like a baby.

Ragini made it comfortable for him on the bed. She sat next to him and massaged his head and kisses his forehead. "Ragini don't go anywhere!". Ragini hold his hand. "I said I will be here today!". She caresses his head and made him sleep peacefully.

The next moment when he woke up he found Ragini in a towel. "Babe? You shower without me?". She shook her head. "I'm not mad, doing this mistake ever again!". She smirks and helped him up. He smiles seeing her and found his love in her eyes.

Ragini helps him out of his clothes she had prepared a hot tub bath for them. "Yuck! I don't want to bath in this. It always smells so herbal". Ragini hold him from back. "Just 15 min and then I will heat you up!". She kisses his neck and he smiles. "Okay for you!".

Both were sitting in the tub and Laksh was resting on Ragini's chest. Usually she leans on him, but when he is ill the world ends (typical man one sneeze and I'm dying!).

Ragini helped him with the quick shower and the warm clothes. "I thought you will heat me with something else? And not warm clothes!". He pouts and both were resting on the bed. "Babe today is a match can we watch?". He asked innocently. "Haan Laksh sure!". She made it comfortable for him. She fluffed the pillow and adjusted right behind his head. She switched on the tv and sat on him. "Hmm let's see what is more interesting your football match or I!". She took off her shirt and Laksh pushes her away. "Goal! Babe Goal!".

Ragini nods. "Yeah goal.... but not for you!". She said sadly and sarcastically to him. He smiles looking at her smirking face. He comes over her. "Oh you are not ill anymore?". Laksh shook his head. He switched off the tv and kisses her all over the body. "You should know i only need you to heal!". Ragini rolls over him took her position back, riding him....


So I'm going to end it with their first and last time 🤣🤣🤣

Bye bye

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