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recap; RagLak had a fight created by Ratan...

After a week of their fight Laksh invited Ragini...

Laksh was angry on Ragini as he accused her to be with Ratan while they had a fight. But she wasn't with anyone. He felt bad abt the accusing n asked her for a date. Ragini very excited n happy abt his invitation immediately agrees on it.

Ragini was getting ready well she was in the washroom in the tube taking a bath...

The bubbles were gone n the foam which was covering her body was gone too... When she starts to moan....

FB?  Okay...

Ragini had taken a bath n was waiting fully ready for him.. Her Laksh she was wearing the black dress

Ragini has been now waiting for him for hours

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Ragini has been now waiting for him for hours... ok to be true she took hours to get ready... the table he had booked was given to someone else...

Laksh returns home when he saw his Ragini in her hot dress.

Ragini; Laksh what r u doing here?. Laksh; I live here with u my beautiful baby doll. Ragini smiles but then she pouts. Laksh what abt our date.. dinner?. Laksh gave her a weird look. Ragini I was waiting for U for hours n U didn't show up neither u picked up my calls. They gave the table to someone else.

Ragini was upset.. She made a sad face. Her arms were around her chest. Laksh; Oh mera Baacha don't be upset... He hugs her from back talking to her near her ear. U r Lucky is here I will give u a full dinner date here.

Ragini smiles. She turns. Pakka Laksh? Laksh nods dipping his nose to hers. Ragini; Laksh! She hugs him n rested her head on his chest.

Laksh made her sit on the chair. He went to the kitchen n took out the candleholders. He lighten up the candles n in the flashlight of the fire he was admiring the beautiful of his girlfriend.

Ragini had intertwine her fingers in hers. Her elbows were on the table n her chin was resting on her intertwine handback.

Laksh was lost both shared an eyelock moment it took him a little bit of time to realise that his baby is hungry...

Ragini lowered her gaze in shame as her stomach just speaks 😶.

Laksh smiles he walks into the kitchen n prepared the dinner. He switched on the stove n put a pot with water to boil. In the boiling water he add pasta n salt. While the pasta was boiling he cuts onions n garlic he adds it in the same pot with fresh basil n fresh tomatoes as well as some chili {less as he doesn't like it spicy}.

Ragini was admiring him. He was very caring always thinking of her well being first.

Laksh comes with plates n cutlery. He placed it on the table with care. He comes with red wine n pour it in her glass n his glass. He was not only her cook n boyfriend no today he was more. Her all rounder.

Ragini was very happy Laksh keeps looking at her he serves her the food waiting for her reaction.

Ragini tasted the pasta... Mhh yummy thank u!. Laksh was happy. They their dinner but Ragini demands for a sweet dish... Laksh was thinking abt a dessert. He went back into the kitchen n opens the freezer. He took out a big cup of Ben n Jerry's peanut buttercup flavour 🤤.

Ragini was literally eating it from his hands. As both were sitting on the couch having the ice cream together but as soon as he tries to get a bite/spoon. She opens her mouth n he feeds.

Ragini was very happy just one thing is missing.. He hasn't gave her love since the fight happen she ride him once but he hasn't done anything for her or better say in her.

Ragini stood up she undress herself... Laksh was looking at her with lust n love. She walks to the washroom... Laksh was hoping for the bedroom but who knows what she wants him to do?.

Both were naked in the washroom. Laksh; Ragini... He called her name with love. She turns with hungry eyes which were asking / begging him to love her.

Laksh Kisses her first slowly then he changed in passion. Ragini was moving with him he had enters her making love with her was the most beautifuls thing for him... How couldn't he ignore her n his desire...?.

Ragini made him sit on the tube edge. She encircled her legs around his back. Both were having it but bcz of the slipping of the tube Laksh slided in the tube. Ragini laughs Laksh too. But he holds her n moved with her...

Ragini was under him... She moans in the tube..

Next update will be again a past reflection 😊.

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