All in one [The end]

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Recap: Laksh was ill

Ragini was back in university to get the notes from her friend. Laksh hates it to come back after his fight with Ratan he has lost his ambitious. Ragini had asked him not to think about it as Ratan is leaving today.

Laksh was attending his class when he heard another student talking about the girls. "Look these Hot chicks are always ready! Just try it with my pick-up line they all will melt down!". Laksh shook his head. Stupid... these idiots have no idea how hard it is to work on a real relationship of love, to control the lust is the easiest thing but to keep the love is the hardest task.

Ratan was coming out of the hallway when he saw Ragini entering the classroom. He went behind her and knocked on the open door. Ragini confuses and looks at the back. "You?". She said in anger and disgust. "Stay away!". She warns him, but Ratan come closer. "Why what would you do?". He hold her from back and places his hands on her waist. "Leave me!". She shouts in full volume, but she was alone. "Look Laksh is here!". Ratan shook his head. "So what he will do? Whimpering for his life?". He said it with a smirk and Ragini slaps him hard!.

Ratan hold his cheek, his eyes turned reddish, but Ragini's anger was also written in her eyes. "You better stay away from him. He hasn't punched you back that time because he had promised me not to fight again! Never ever underestimate my Laksh!". She warns and was about to leave when he pecks her on pushes her on the wall. "You will get to know who I am!". She tries to release herself, but Ratan was holding her hands tightly he kisses her and Ragini hates him more!. She found her strength and kicked him. "How dare you!". She said in anger and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Just then Meena come in. "Ragini, What happen?".

Ragini looked at Ratan in disgust. "I will sue you for sexual harassment. Let's see who will get you out of that!". She left to meet the dean and complaint about Ratan's behaviour. Just then Laksh got to know. "How dare you?!". Laksh starts to fight with Ratan. Ratan was waiting for it as he wanted to finish Laksh one for all. But here Ratan was mistaken. Laksh beats Ratan up and he falls unconscious.

Ragini come with the dean and looked at Laksh. "Why? I was handling it!". Laksh pulls her close. "Why not? Aren't you my girlfriend? Aren't you my love? Isn't your dignity my? Your respect my respect? I'm there to handle these types of creatures. You don't worry!". Ragini hold him. "But Laksh!". Laksh Shows himself. "I'm not hurt I didn't let him touch me! And he won't touch you ever again!". He hold her tight and they left from there.

Ragini wasn't talking to him. Laksh knows that he had hurt her. "Ragini I'm sorry for breaking your promise. But when someone misbehaves with you I have the right, no it is my duty to save you! You are mine!". Ragini looked at him cupping his face. "Laksh I know. But I was handling it, will you always be there for me? I don't think so!". She left from there and Laksh was confused.

Ragini was in their bedroom holding a letter in her hands.

Dear Mr. Mehra

We are happy you have chosen our university for your further study. We are happy to tell you, that we have a free seat. You can join the University as soon as your next semester starts.

Best regards.

Ragini was crying. You took a decision behind my back. You want to go away from me. *Sniff*. Laksh heats her cry and enters the room. "Ragini talk to me what I have done and why you think I won't be there? I will always be there for you!".

He hugs her but she pushes him away. "No Laksh, that is not true! You won't be here from the next semester you will leave me!". She hits him. "Why! How could you decided without talking to me once! I hate you!". She was continuously hitting him and he holds her back. "Ragini stop it! You can't hate me! Say you don't hate me!". He shouts at her and she frighten.

Ragini shows him the letter and he checks on it. "Ragini I haven't applied for a seat. And even if I would have then I would never left you here alone!". She smiles. But then she fumes. "Ahan then who did this application?". Laksh hold her tight. "I didn't! Do you remember what happened when I got to know, that you got the application for the University seat? You were about to leave me alone!".

Ragini shies. She lowers her head and kisses him. "Oh yes I remember what you did to me!". Both were lying on the bed Laksh was holding her tight. While she as moaning his name. He falls asleep next to her and she was caressing his neck.

4 years ago

Ragini has applied for a university seat on many institutions. And finally she got selected.

"What Ragini you got a seat on your wished University. Which one is it?". Laksh was asking her as he wanted to stay with her.

"Hmm Laksh it's in New York!" . She was excited it was her dream and he was upset.

"What New York, but I won't be there!". He fumes and hold her tight. "You can't leave me like this! You will stay with me!". He shouts at her and she scares.

"Laksh please leave me! You are hurting me!". She struggled to release herself. "Please Laksh you are hurting me!". She was crying and he pushed her away.

"Ragini can you even live without me? I can't live without you". He hold her tight and hugs her.

Ragini smiles. "Laksh they have seats for engineering too. If you want you can apply there!". She hugs him.

Laksh looked at her. "Why? Why should I?". Ragini cupped his face. "Please for me! I don't want to live without you!".

Laksh pushed her close and kisses her lips. Ragini widen her eyes. It was the first time since their last contact. She kissed him but this time he kissed her. Not only just a kiss he bite her lips and she opens her mouth while he entered her mouth with his tongue.

Both felt the heat raising inside them. Laksh was pulling her to the wall. His body was pressing against hers, she could feel the hard part of his near her body. She got an unknown feeling a wetness on her soft part.

It was the time both had waited for. Laksh hands rested on her waist and pinched her. She moans into his mouth. Both moved to his bed. She come to meet him. He made her lie underneath him. "Ragini!". "Laksh!". Both were taking the name of the other one.

Laksh explored her body touching and squeezing all possible parts of her.

Ragini was scared, but Laksh took her hand and moved it to his hard part. She feared, but soon she relaxed as he was kissing her on her neck. Giving her love bites.

Both were lost into each other. She closed her eyes but before that she said , "Laksh I love you!". Laksh smiled. "Ragini look!". She opens her eyes. "I love you too!". He kisses her and slowly his hands went to her thighs and speared them. He slowly enters her and she starts to scream. But Laksh was very careful with her both had their first time....

Laksh woke up the next morning looking at his child. "Hi Baacha!". He was waving with his hand and someone blindfolded him from the back. "Babe I know it's you!". Ragini giggles. "Laksh I love you!". He pulls her close. "Acha you do!". She nods. "Yes, I do!". He kisses her and a cry was to hear. "Bad Baacha! You know the last time I had it with your mom was making you after our marriage!".

Ragini kisses him. "It was difficult to make you ready for the marriage!". Laksh pouts. "I thought you want freedom! So I kept myself back". Ragini licks him. "But after 10 years of relationship and carefree sex life!".

"Sshhhhhhh! Don't you dare to use the S-Word in front of my baby girl! My Baacha Lakshika. I will kill every man, who will try to come close to you!". He kisses her belly and Ragini kisses his cheek.


The end.

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