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Hi on request (sorry my battery is down... I will update later more)

Follybraverl hope u will like this one extra spicy.

Recap; Laksh confession when he falls for Ragini.

Ragini was sitting on a bench at campus she was reading a magazine on her tablet when the messenger appears...

Ragini first ignore is as the article she was reading was very interesting...

The messenger again appear n this time Ragini looked on it....

Hi Jaan
Baby y aren't u answering me?
Laksh I miss ur arms around my boobs....

Ragini jaw fall her eyes popped out in anger n tears were forming...

Ragini looked for Laksh everywhere when she blindly bumps in Ratan.

Ratan smirks. Ragini r u fine? Ragini pushes his hand away. Don't u dare touch me!!! Ratan; fine I won't but here clean ur face... he gave her his hanky. Ragini refuse to take it but Ratan insisted. U aren't able to see anything here just clean ur face once...

Unwillingly she took it n cleaned her face. She wipes her tears n cleans her nose. Ratan was holding his hand open to take the hanky but Ragini just gave him a death glare. U will get it after I have wash it! Ratan; fine. He whispers in her ear. I won't tell Laksh that u want to keep something from me. She shakes n pushed him away. Ragini; how many times should I tell u leave my way. I'm Laksh only his.

Ratan was waiting for this. Oh u r Laksh Only Laksh... he said with sarcasm n hold his hand near his chest. Ragini; haan! Ratan; for ur kind information ur so called Love Laksh Only Laksh is having an affair with hmm what was her name... well I forgot it but he is at the gym with her behind ur back....

Ragini was shocked. No this can't be true? Ratan; uff Ragini believe me or believe me not I don't care. But trust me I will be waiting for u here to take u in my arms... so u can cry on my chest.. for his betrayal....

Ragini - how dare he! How can he say that Laksh is having an affair? I need to find him -.

Ragini rushed to the gym n she was shocked to see Laksh dancing with another woman n that too very close. Ragini silently watching them the girl turns n her face was just in front Laksh face... without thinking of anything Laksh was hell surprised as the girl kissed him.

Ragini; Laksh!... Laksh turns to Ragini... another shock to see her n that too in this situation.

Laksh; Ragini?

Ragini was crying bitterly she was sobbing n sniffing. Her cry was to hear from everyone. Laksh rushed behind her... the girl; Lucky baby where r u going?. Laksh; shut up! I'm not ur Lucky baby.

Laksh; Ragini!!! When comes out n searches for her he got a shock. Ragini was in the embrace of Ratan... Laksh made a fist in anger he gave Ratan n death glare.

Laksh; Ragini...
Ragini looked at him with reddish eyes n swollen eyes... leave me alone!!! Laksh; but Ragini listen to me. Ragini pushes him. I hate U! She cries on Ratans chest...

Laksh was hurt but he left from there. He reached their apartment n was destroying the stuffs he had thrown all the clothes on the ground he had broken the door with his fist... he hands were bleeding but his anger n jealousy state.

Ragini was alone thinking of the whole situation which had happened earlier the day. How could Ratan be so sure? Laksh was trying to defend himself but I didn't listen to him. I just run away n pushed him away.. Oh Gosh what I have done?!.

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