When u fall for me?

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Recap; Laksh shows his love to Ragini. Ragini too was caring n loving him. Always trying to keep Laksh out of any trouble.

Ragini was at the college talking with some other students mostly female ones as Laksh has warned everyone clearly not to come close to her.

Ragini was feeling over protected by him but she loves his care n possessive way on her he always says she is his only his n no one has a right on her not to talk nor to glare.

Ragini was sitting with the other students under a tree. Laksh was having some classes when a girl asked Ragini an important question.

Ragini; what u asked?
Girl; when he fall in love with u?
Ragini thought he never told her when he falls for her she felt kind of helpless to answer the question.. she pout not knowing this important answer to her question.
Girl; hey Ragini what happen? Tell na when he confessed his love toward u? When he fall for u?.

Ragini took her bag n left from there she had no answer for their questions... she was upset. Laksh has never told her when he starts to fall for her.

Laksh was in college when he tries to call her. But she didn't picked up the phone he got tensed n asked the other's if they have seen her?

All denies his anger raised he walks to Ratan but to Ratans luck he was missing for days as he was ill otherwise Laksh would have beaten him up again without hesitation.

Laksh was calling her again n again but she is just not picking up the damn phone he was squeezing the mobile in his hand. He asked another bunch of student n one girl told her that Ragini left long time ago. Laksh thanked her n left from there. He took his bike n drove home.

Ragini was sitting on the couch holding the pillow as if it Laksh neck n she is just killing the pillow instead of Laksh.

Laksh reaches home he shouts Ragini! In the building not in their apartment. Laksh reaches the door he was almost trying to break in as she wasn't opening the door after he pushed the bell. Laksh opens the door n anger. RAGINI! Where r u!!!  RAGINI!!!! He was scared his heartbeat fasten in scare. RAGINI!!!! Tears were forming from his eyes... Ragini!!! His voice broke.

Ragini; shut up don't shout like mad I'm here n not deaf...

Laksh who had fallen on his knees stood up in anger he took the vase which was standing on the table he hold it for a while n throw it against the wall.

Ragini got shocked not of the sound or the fear he would hit her or something no the fear was for him what if he do something on him what if he is hurt? Ragini; Laksh! She rushed out to him she checked him all over the face she placed her lips. She then removes his shirt to check if he got hurt anywhere she hugs him tight.

Ragini; Laksh! Have u gone mad! Laksh was looking her. U r asking me? Have u gone mad? Y didn't u pick the damn phone?

Ragini; I was angry! She sniffs rubbing her head in his chest. Laksh; angry on him? Ragini; on U!. Laksh; but y? Ragini looks at him. Bcz u never told me when u fall for me. She hits him n rushed back to their bedroom.

Laksh was confused - she is angry bcz I never told her when I fall for her?! That girl na drives me always crazy! -

Ragini was sitting with a pout n crossed arms. Laksh took a deep breath n sat next to her. U want to know when I fall for u???? Ragini nod.

Laksh; ok y don't u asked before y now?

Laksh; ok y don't u asked before y now?

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