Laksh the protector

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recap; Ragini got harassed by Ratan who is trying to get close to Ragini. But Ragini is only Laksh.

Laksh couldn't sleep... He was holding Ragini tight in his embrace.  Ragini was sleeping after crying in scare. He made my Ragini cry I will make him cry. How dare he to touch her.

Laksh was holding her even tighter. Ragini moves abit to him. She hides her face in his chest. Holding him as tight as possible.

Laksh caresses her back giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Slowly he too fall asleep next to her...

On the next morning it was Ragini who wake up first. She stretches her arms n looked at him... Her Laksh was sleeping holding her. She removes his hand n kisses his forehead.

Ragini stood up n walks off to the washroom. Laksh turns n felt the empty place next him. He opens his eyes... He looked left n right both side twice then he hears the sound of water rinsing...

Laksh feels a relief but still he was scared without wasting more time he walks into the washroom...

Ragini turns to the door... Laksh? Ragini closed her eyes after he back hugs her. Both took a shower n come out after a while.

Ragini was making the breakfast but Laksh was still lost in his thought how can he protect her from that Ratan?.

Ragini comes with a bowl filled with milk n muesli. Laksh wasn't eating anything. Ragini was tensed... She sat on his lap. She kisses his earlobe.

Laksh; hmm Ragini.. plz stop...

Ragini stopped looking at his sad face she was feeling bad n sad too. Ragini rested her head on his shoulder.

Ragini; u r tensed bcz of me right?.
Laksh nod giving her a kiss on her cheek.

Ragini; I'm sorry. Laksh; y r u sorry. It is me who failed as ur bf ur protector... Ragini; no Laksh u were always there when I needed u... She rubs her nose with his he then kisses her nose...

Ragini; Laksh plz I promise to u I will take care of myself

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Ragini; Laksh plz I promise to u I will take care of myself.

Laksh; I know u will but.. that asshole he is crossing his limits...I can't let u be alone anywhere anymore. Promise me u will not stay in a class alone. U will always be with someone?!.

Ragini nods holding him tight. I promise I won't be alone. Laksh.... Laksh looks at her. Haan.

Ragini; I love u... Laksh; love u 2... both kisses each other.

They reached the college. Laksh; U will be at the canteen no more classrooms. Got it! Ragini nod. She kisses his cheek n left for her class.

Laksh was looking around he was lost in his thoughts when he bumped into Ratan. Laksh hold his forehead n looked up before he apologies he saw Ratans face n changes his expression in anger.

Laksh; U! stay away from my Ragini or else I will show u the real Laksh. It is better for u to stay miles away from her or...

Ratan; u r an idiot to think I will leave her. She belongs to me only I don't know what she has found in u?. But soon she will meet a real man n then u will be forgotten.

Laksh hold his collar. Don't u dare to touch her ever again. I will cut ur hands.

Ratan; oh really try ur best but u can't do anything. U r my puppet...

Laksh; hahaha what ur puppet? Y would I be ur puppet? Trust me I will make u fail. U won't come ever again close to my Ragini.

Ratan; Let's see for how long she stays ur Ragini? I'm sure sooner or later she will beg fot me. N then I will make her mine... The night n day I will....

Laksh hits him. A bunch of punches hits Ratan... Ratan couldn't react so fast n hard Laksh was fighting n beating him up.

Laksh; I told u to stay away from her. Do it or u will lose ur life. U got it.

Ratan looked at him. He wasn't imaging this immense power of Laksh.

Ragini got to know abt the fight she leaves the class to look for him.

Laksh; if u ever try it again I will cut ur hands. Get it in ur brain.

Ratan; Shut up u asshole. This will cost u something. Trust me I will make u pay for it. Laksh; just try ut best U....

Ragini comes n stops him. Laksh nahi... plz... She begs in front of Laksh.

Laksh stood there looking at her pleading face. He nods but still gives him a warning to stay away from his girl. If u won't he will pay for it...

Laksh left with Ragini he brought her back to her class. Ragini was feeling his love she kisses him n enters her class again.

Laksh too went to his class still thinking of Ratan how can I stop him!

Ratan - how darw he to hit me n that too in front of the whole college! in front of Ragini! what the hell he wants to show? that he is better than me? No way... Ragini will be mine soon... -

Laksh was everywhere where Ragini was she loves this protective side of Laksh alot. She was so happy couldn't express her feelings...

The classes ends n he drive back home with her.

Ragini was hugging n kissing him. Love u!!! 😙😙😙.

Laksh smiles at her. Both reached their home. Ragini unlock the door Laksh pushes her in.

Ragini looks at him.. Laksh?!.

Laksh took off his shirt... he smirks at her n lifts her into the bedroom.

Ragini was giggling to him. Laksh starts to kiss her feet's n reached her soft part.

Ragini moans till late in the night as Laksh was leaving the place...


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