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recap; Ragini told Laksh abt Ratan blackmail...

After their loved filled night a love filled morning coming... both went to the washroom n took a shower.

Laksh was still angry n pissed that Ratan was trying to take his girl from him by blackmailing her but he will never let that happen.

Ragini was getting ready she was wearing a new dress which she got gifted by Laksh.

Ragini was getting ready she was wearing a new dress which she got gifted by Laksh

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Laksh was admiring her. Ragini knows very well how much he loves to see n touch her waist. He often gifts her belly t-shirts.

Laksh n Ragini were leaving for college she sat behind him at his motorbike.

Laksh; Ragini tight ok. Ragini nods with a smile her head was resting on his shoulder. Both were wearing helmets.

Laksh drove the bike. It didn't took much time but when they arrived they were late or the first class to attend.

Ragini; will be waiting for u. Giving him a kiss on his lips she left to her class. Laksh parked his bike he too rushed to his class.

Ratan was his senior n was also a big dumbo of suck-up always tries to be the best.

The first classes ends n Ragini was waiting for Laksh in her class... which was empty.
She was lost in hrr thoughts whrn someone bag hugs her.

First Ragini was happy as she though her Laksh come but the hands of thr man were different n were moving to her soft part.... She moans slighlty... aaaahhh....

She turns to see Ratan who was giving her lust filled looks.

Ragin pushed him. How dare u?! I told u once before n I am telling u again. There is only Laksh.

Ratan lift her. Ragini was capture by him his strong hands were aroud her back. He made her lie on a desk.

Ratan; but I want u. Today u will be having sex with me... Ragini shook her head. No!

Ratan; enough Ragini... u can't escape from me now. Laksh is very much busy...

Ragini; I don't want u... 😢.. I'm Laksh only! get it in ur brain.

Ratan; that Laksh doesn't deserves u. He is using u for his amusement. He was trying to come closer to her but she pushed him hard.

Ragini; he loves me more than his life. He is not like u who is carving for my body.

Ratan got angry he pushed her n lied over her. Ragini n Ratan were staring each other Ratan in lust Ragini in anger. Ragini; Laksh knows all n trust me right now I'm holding him back. But as soon he loses his control u r death. Ratan smirks he shook his head... no way...

Just then Laksh come n saw them in a position only he is allowed to. Laksh; Ragini.... Ragini turns to him. Laksh!!!. She pushed Ratan again but Ratan took the opportunity. Ragini what happens baby... I know Laksh is ur bf but u call me na...!.

Laksh left in anger. Ragini could feel his hurt. She pushed Ratan with full power. Don't u dare to touch me again. She rushed to Laksh but he vanished....

Ragini searched for him but he was hiding from her as he doesn't know what he will do if she comes in front of him.

Laksh was sitting on a bench. Ragini went to her fashion design class. She was making a dress. Laksh knew she would make the dress at the campus bcz of the sun light. He was looking at her controlling his anger.

Laksh took out his pencil n book n starts to draw his girl...

Ragini was pinning some safety pin on the dress when she screams loud

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Ragini was pinning some safety pin on the dress when she screams loud...

Laksh comes to her running he took her finger n blow on it. He saw a bit blood running down out of a small hole he sucked the blood by taking her finger in his mouth.

Ragini was admiring his love n care... Ragini; Laksh sorry na but he come I really didn't call him... Her eyes were teary... Laksh kisses the finger. He wipes her tears away. I know baby... but what he did. Ragini; nothing... Laksh hold her tight. What he did? Did he enters u??? Ragini shook her head. Laksh please don't think that. He moved with his hand but not under my dress but still on my part...

Laksh anger was high but Ragini calms him. As she doesn't want him to creat a scene.

Laksh n Ragini drove home.

Ragini knew her Laksh was angry n hurt...

She sat next to him on the couch her hand was doing some pleasure work on his hard part...
Laksh was angry but he loves it... Just then she got a message...

Wanna hear ur moan not his groans...

Ragini scares... Laksh was upset. Ragini I was just com... Ragini what happen? she shows him the message. He got angry...

Laksh was looking what could he has done how can he hear.... the mail. It had a virus on it...

Laksh checked Laptop n yeah He found some spy n malware on it.... He scans it 3 times no virus was detected...

Ragini was scared Ratan wasn't leaving her... Laksh took her in his embrace she loves to be close to him...

Soon both were lying on the bed... moans were to hear....

Laaksshhh aaahhhh

Ragini always feels save with him...


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