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The desert wind blew fiercely, bringing sand into the air and bending a nearby palm tree at an alarming angle. A sand storm loomed to the East, but that was not what had Princess Zelda running for her life.

Three Yiga Footsoldiers were tailing her, cackling with laughter and carrying bows and sharp, curved scythes. Zelda's breath escaped her in small, terrified gasps as she pumped her arms and ran. She looked behind her to see if they were advancing to see no one, then looked ahead again as one of them slid into her way. She skidded to a stop with a surprised shout, spun and headed in the opposite direction only to be stopped by the other two.

She collapsed into the sand and crab walked backward, her hands giving away in the soft sand. The Footsoldiers closed in on her with deliberate slowness as they swung their weapons. Their eerie white masks with red markings covered their faces, but she thought they were smiling triumphantly.

When they closed the distance, one of them raised his scythe high above his head. Zelda gasped in terror, knowing that he was about to bring the weapon down on her and she would meet her end. She lowered her head and tensed, waiting for the final blow.

Suddenly, there was a shout followed by the sound of metal against metal as the scythe went flying into the air like a deadly boomerang. Zelda raised her head to see one of the Yiga Footsoldiers slump to the ground. Link stood in front of her, his feet planted firmly in the sand, his sword drawn as he glared at the other two Footsoldiers.

The enemy stood their ground for a moment, but when Link raised his sword and feigned a step toward them, they retreated quickly.

Zelda, still trying to even her breathing, gazed at Link in surprised awe as he shielded her from her foes. She noticed the way the wind blew his hair against his forehead, the deadly set of his eyebrows and thought of the way he'd selflessly thrown himself in front of her. So quick. So steady.

She'd been so cold to him since he'd become her appointed knight. She hated to know he was shadowing her. She took her selfish and childish anger out on him at every turn and still... he was there for her. She wouldn't soon forget that.

Memories: A Zelink Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now