Chapter Eight - Party Time

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I munched on a chip, watching Dakota out of the corner of my eye. She had invited me over to work on homework. The only reason I'm here is because she promised food.

"Wanna know something random?" she asked suddenly. I shrugged, looking up at her big green eyes. She brushed back a loose strand of her blonde hair that had fallen out of her messy bun.

"Why not?" I replied.

"Having blue eyes is actually a mutation. Before the mutation occurred, all humans had brown eyes" she said, glancing up at me. I chuckled.

"Are you trying to tell me I'm a mutant? And if I'm a mutant, then does that make you some type of alien, my green eyed friend?" I retorted. She smirked and continued typing.

"Maybe I am. I just thought I'd tell you because I happen to be in love with blue eyes," Kota replied. I nodded, smiling.

"You know, there's a party at Pierce's tonight. You going?" I wondered. She stopped typing and looked up at me.

"I might be. I still don't know many people," she replied. I nodded my head to the side once in agreement and continued to work on the math problem I'd been on for the last ten minutes due to procrastination.

"Well, you know me, and Pierce, and I'm sure Elle and May at the very least will be there," I told her. She nodded.

"Alright, fine. I'll seriously consider it. I'm not much of a party person honestly," she said, looking slightly defeated. I smirked with triumph. At least I succeeded in getting her to consider it. She rolled her eyes at me and we proceeded to do homework and our project.


A couple hours later, I pulled into my driveway next to my mother's car. I threw my leg over my motorcycle and hopped off, pulling my helmet off my head, making my way inside. I shoved the front door closed behind me and dropped my crap on the floor before heading into the kitchen to find food. I had about an hour before I had to leave to help Pierce setup for the party tonight, and I needed food... again.

"Oh hi honey. I'm getting ready to head out for my shift. Will you be okay here?" my mom asked, coming out of her room. She was dressed in jeans, a pair of black nikes, and a nice shirt.

"I'm okay. Pierce is having a small get together type thing and I promised I would go," I replied, closing the fridge after deciding on a bottle of water.

"Right. A small get together. Anyway, your father called," she informed me. My head snapped to attention.

"What'd he want?" I asked, tensing up.

"To talk to you. Michael doesn't answer his calls either, so he calls me or the house now," she explained.

"Well can you blame Michael and I for not wanting to talk to him?" I asked, trying to defend my older brother who wasn't here to defend himself.

"No Landon. I don't blame either of you. If you want to cut your father out of your life and never talk to him again, that's fine by me, but don't say it's because he never tried to contact you," she retorted.

"Why are you defending him!?" I yelled, my anger rising.

"I'm not defending the man, Landon. I'm simply acting like an adult in the situation. I can't hate him forever like you," she fired back.

"I do act like an adult. I pay half the damn bills around here, don't I?" I snapped, clamping my mouth shut the minute I realized what I'd said. She crossed her arms. Uh oh.

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