Chapter Twenty Seven - Off the Hook

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"Landon. Landon," a soft, raspy voice whispered. I couldn't tell who it was, so I kept my eyes closed, trying to fall back asleep. "Landon," the voice said, slightly louder and clearer. I grunted and then a soft hand was on the back of my neck. Dakota.

"Yeah? Sorry," I apologized, sitting up. She gave me a half-hearted smiled. "Did you just wake up?" Before she could answer, a ring-ring-ring sounded from my jacket by the hospital room door.

"That's gone off four times, so yes," she replied.

"Crap, sorry," I apologized again, kissing her forehead quickly and grabbing my leather jacket and phone, stepping out so she could sleep again. She needs all she can get.

"Hello?" I answered cautiously after seeing the blocked caller ID.

"Is this Landon Hudson?" a deep voice asked.

"Depends," I replied, slipping my other hand in my pocket and tapping my thumb on the outside of my jean pockets as I paced the hall in front of Dakota's room.


"Who's asking." There was an annoyed, heavy sigh.

"Jonathan. Now meet me at the warehouse." The line went dead. Jonathan... as in the Jonathan that ordered Dakota's shooting? Oh hell no. I slid my phone in my back pocket and then shoved my hands in my jacket, turning to look at Kota. She was asleep, and the color had come back to her face a bit, but she still looked pale. I feel responsible, and I can't help but feel like she'll break if I do anything to stress her out. So I left without a word, heading to the warehouse. There's no way this bastard is getting away with this.


I jumped off my bike, marching through the open gate to the warehouse. Sitting in front of one of the open warehouse doors was a classic black '69 mustang. A very tall, intimidating man leaned against the car, sunglasses over his eyes, checking the cuffs on his suit. I took a deep breath and closed the gap, standing a couple feet in front of him.

"So you're Landon?" he asked, pulling his sunglasses off and looking me over. "You're not at all what I was expecting."

"What were you expecting?" I wondered, crossing my arms over my chest. He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Just a scared little kid, which you don't seem to be," Jonathan replied. I nodded.

"So why the hell did you have Danny shoot my girlfriend?" I asked.

"I didn't. In fact, I'm extremely pissed off, and don't be surprised if you don't see him anymore, but I do have a proposition for you," he answered. I furrowed my eyebrows, staying silent. "Okay, well here's the deal. If you agree to keep your mouth shut about everything that has happened the last few years, I'll cut you loose."

"What about the money I owe?"

"The amount you owe is absolutely nothing to me, and Danny shot a civilian, which isn't something I'm okay with," he told me, slipping his sunglasses back on, which I took as a cue to end the conversation. "How's she doing?"

"Good, considering she's had two surgeries in a span of seventy two hours."

"Well at least she survived. The ones I shoot usually don't," he commented. I nodded slowly, taking a step back.

"Thank you," I said. He gave me a nod and I turned to leave. As I headed toward the gate of the warehouse, Danny and a couple other gang members turned the corner, heading toward me. Danny bumped my shoulder as I walked by and it took all the strength I had left not to turn around and beat him to a bloody pulp like I had earlier. A second later, as I reached my bike, I heard a sickening, all too familiar blast. A gunshot. I flinched, but I didn't stop, and that scared me a bit. I realized this part of my life is officially over. I have my family, including Dakota, and now that's all that matters.

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