Chapter Twelve - Danny and the Gang

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"Landon?" Dakota questioned.

"Go back to the car," I ordered.

"Landon, what's-" she began, but I cut her off.

"Please Dakota, go back to the car. I'll explain after. Please," I begged, keeping my focus on Danny but my grip on Kota. When she didn't move, I turned to look at her. "Please Dakota," I said again, pleading with her. She searched my eyes and then sighed, defeated.

"Fine," she said shortly, taking the keys from my jacket pocket and walking away.

I went in the opposite direction, toward Danny and his muscle. They had parked at the other end of the small parking lot, thankfully.

"You just had to ruin my first date with her, didn't you?" I asked, stopping a few feet in front of him. His muscle stood on either side of him, their arms crossed, looking like a couple of angry baboons.

"Well, I did you the favor of parking across the lot. And maybe if you were paying on time we wouldn't be here at all, would we?" Danny asked, his hands folded in front of him.

"I've been trying. I'm getting there," I said.

"Not fast enough, Landon. It's been a month already," he reminded me.

"Look, there's a box of savings at my house. Let me take Dakota home, and I'll give it to you after," I bargained. It was something my mom had been saving for a senior trip after I graduate. There's not much, but enough to buy me more time. Danny stood quietly for a moment.

"Let me talk to the boss," he decided, more to his goons than me. He stepped to the side, talking into his smartphone quietly. While he whispered into the phone, his baboons just watched me, arms crossed.

"How're you guys doing?" I wondered. They stared blankly at me. "Good talk."

"Must be your lucky day," Danny informed me, slipping the phone into his jean pocket and walking back over to us. "The boss decided that your savings will do for now, but we're only giving you until the New Year to get the rest to us. We expect payment when your break ends. Now run along. Your girlfriend is waiting."

He and his muscle piled into their creepy van, pulling out of the parking lot. I sighed, returning to the car.

"Everything okay?" Dakota asked as I pulled the driver's side door closed behind me.

"It's fine," I replied. She sighed, seeming frustrated, and turned her head to look out the window.

"Landon, that guy you were with... is he the one you deal with from the gang?" she asked suddenly. I let out a breath. I didn't want to lie to her... so I told her the truth.

"Yes. His name is Danny, or at least that's what everyone calls him," I responded.

"What did he want?"

"Money. What they always want."

"How much do you owe?"

"Too much."

"What're you gonna do, Landon?" she asked. I sighed, glancing over at her, her green eyes dark with worry.

"I'll figure it out. I always do." She just nodded, turning back to the window, and drifting off to sleep not long after.


I pulled to a stop in front of Dakota's house a little after 9:30.

"Kota, you're home," I whispered, nudging her shoulder. She didn't budge, so I got out and went around to her door, pulling it open. "Dakota." I kissed her forehead and unbuckled her seatbelt, just as she stirred. Her eyes fluttered open and she stretched, yawning.

"Crap. Did I sleep the whole way?"

"Yeah, it's fine. We're at your house. C'mon," I replied, helping her up. I walked her to her porch and then turned to leave.

"What? No goodnight kiss?" she wondered. I stopped, looking back at her.

"I earned a goodnight kiss? After everything that happened tonight?" I questioned. She ran a hand through her hair and joined me at the bottom of her porch steps.

"I knew what I was getting into when I said yes, Hudson. You're not gonna get out of it that easily," she said with a grin. "Besides, you won me a teddy bear." She held up the tiny brown bear. I smirked. She rested a hand on my chest, the other on the back of my neck, her fingers tangled in my hair. I dipped my head, lingering less than an inch from her lips. I regretted the entire thing with Danny this evening, and I didn't want to drag her into any of this, but when her soft lips met mine, I forgot everything. I was here, with her. That was something I never had before.

"I'll see you later, Miller," I said, pulling away. She nodded and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before turning and going back up to her porch. I waited until she was inside and then left, stopping at home before I headed to meet Danny.


"Good job, kid. You just earned yourself those extra few months. We'll be back in January. Have fun," Danny said, flipping through the stack of money I'd given him.

"Leave Dakota alone. Stop watching us; stop showing up places. Got it?" I asked. Danny chuckled.

"For now," he replied. Then he got into the stalker van and drove off. I ran a hand through my hair, frustrated, and headed home.

A few minutes later, I pulled open the front door and stepped inside, locking it behind me.

"I need food and sleep," I mumbled to myself, making my way to the kitchen.

"Landon? Are you still up?" my mom asked, coming out of her bedroom. I nodded. "Why?"

"I just couldn't sleep I guess," I lied.

"You're still in your clothes from this morning. Have you even tried?" she wondered.

"Mom, it's only 11:00. It's not that late," I argued. She sighed, glancing down at the cupboard that was still cracked and splintered from our last argument.

"Fine. I'm going back to bed," she said quietly.

"Mom..." I trailed off. I hate when she's angry at me, but she ignored me and went down the hall to her room, slamming it behind her. I groaned and went to my room, quickly changing, and crawling into bed, attempting to sleep. It proved unsuccessful.

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