Chapter Twenty One - What to do?

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"Two hundred dollars? That's all you could come up with?" Danny asked, flipping through the stack of twenty dollar bills I'd brought him that warm Monday afternoon.

"I'm not a miracle worker, Danny. I can't just snap my fingers and have the money. It doesn't work like that," I snapped. I was still upset about my fight with Dakota, and I wasn't in the mood for this.

"Watch your attitude kid," Danny warned.

"Or what? You know, maybe I should just go talk to the big boss. I mean you don't do much anyway," I remarked. Danny narrowed his eyes at me but didn't do anything.

"Get the money, Landon. You're asking for trouble," he told me. Then he left and I headed home to my mom and our still cracked cupboard.


"Dude," Pierce said, kicking my calf to try and get my attention. I ignored him again. He sighed heavily as I absentmindedly stared at the remote on the coffee table. I couldn't stop thinking about the argument Dakota and I had on Sunday, three days ago now. "Landon!" A pillow hit my face, shaking me out of it. I threw it back at Pierce.


"What do you mean 'what?' You've been all weird since you got here," he replied.

"I know, I know. Sorry," I mumbled, not really caring at this point. I wasn't the only one who had been acting weird. Pierce had been happy and energetic, something he's normally not.

"What's up with you?"

"Dakota and I had an argument a couple days ago," I answered.

"That explains why you two haven't been joined at the hip lately," he commented.

"We were never attached at the hip," I denied. Pierce laughed.

"Right, and I don't like Elle," he retorted sarcastically. I rolled my eyes. "So, what did you do? I mean what could you possibly have done since the cabin trip? It was like you two were on your damn honeymoon that entire week."

"She thinks I don't open up to her," I explained, ignoring his honeymoon comment. When I didn't receive an answer, I looked to Pierce, who was giving me an 'are-you-serious' look. "What?"

"I'm surprised. You've been together three months and this is only now coming up," he replied.

"What do you mean?" I wondered.

"Landon, you never tell me anything, and I've known you since we were in kindergarten. I'm not surprised she feels the way she does. You never open up to anyone," Pierce explained. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I do tell you things."

"No, you don't."

"I try," I told him sheepishly.

"I get you have a pretty rough past with your dad and all, but Landon, letting Kota in is the only way to solve this problem," he argued. I huffed and stood up. "It's pretty simple."

"Maybe for you, but we're different, Pierce. You've got your athletic school friends and your money and your giant house. The only things you have to worry about are Elle and whether she'll date you or not, and how much your parents will send you," I said angrily, my fists clenched. Pierce scoffed, standing up to reach my level.

"You don't know the half of it, Landon, so don't act like you do," he responded.

"You never tell me anything, so how am I supposed to know?"

"Well then, I guess we both suck at opening up," he replied. I chuckled lightly, sliding my hands into my jean pockets. Then I sighed, falling back into the couch, Pierce following my lead.

"What am I going to do? I don't know how to talk to her. I mean she's all put together and deals with things so well. I'm not the same way."

"That's not true, Landon. Everyone has shit they go through; some are just better at hiding it than others," Pierce explained. I ran my hands down my face and groaned. Pierce snickered.

"I don't know man. I think I'm better off single," I said. Pierce punched my arm. "What the hell?" I rubbed my upper arm, even though it didn't hurt much.

"No you're not. You enjoyed Christmas this year, and usually you're a big scrooge," he fired back. I rolled my eyes. "Fix this Landon. She's one of the best things that has ever happened to you, besides me of course," he said. With that final statement, Pierce flipped on the TV. "Here." He handed me a remote.

"We're playing video games?"

"Well duh. I'm not letting this mushy crap linger. Now c'mon. Let's shoot some people."

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