Chapter Nineteen - First Time For Everything

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"We really do have some good lookin' friends," Pierce declared as Elle sunk into the hot tub next to him. Dillon climbed in next with Andi on her tail, all three in a bikini. The sound of a sliding door alerted me to Dakota's entrance. She walked around the corner of the wrap around deck, a towel around her waist, wearing the same blue bikini from the pool party months ago. She shot me an innocent smile and draped her towel next to mine before climbing up the steps, slinking into the hot tub next to me.

"Yes we do," I mumbled, drinking in my beautiful girlfriend as I draped an arm across the hot tub behind her.


"Nothing." She rolled her eyes, nudging my knee with hers.

"I say we play a game of never have I ever," Dillon suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement. "I'll go first. Never have I ever had a one night stand." She sent me a smug smile as I dropped a finger along with Pierce and Dillon. Dakota glanced at me and then to Elle. "Elle, how about you go?"

"Never have I ever... failed a test," she said. I cracked a smile as both Pierce and Dillon lowered a finger.

"Never have I ever kissed on a first date," Andi went. I raised an eyebrow at that one, surprised. Pierce, me, Elle, Dillon, and Kota lowered a finger. "Knew it."

"Seriously? Never?" Dillon questioned, obviously surprised as well. Andi shrugged.

"I don't like to kiss guys on the first date. If they really like me, they'll wait," she explained.

"I like your logic," I told her as Elle stifled a yawn.

"I think I'm gonna head to bed," Elle informed us.

"Me too. We have a long drive tomorrow and I agreed to drive home," Pierce added. Andi pointed to Elle and Pierce.

"I'm with them. Night guys," she said. The three of them filed out of the hot tub. And then there were three.

"You all suck. That was like three questions!" Dillon whined.

"How about you Dillon? Wanna head to bed?" I prompted. She smirked at me.

"Hmm. I don't seem to be tired. I think I'll hang out for a bit," she decided. Dakota rested a hand on my knee, trailing her finger up and down my thigh. Despite the hot water, it sent a shiver up my spine. I made eye contact with Dillon as an annoyed look covered her face. "Maybe I will head to bed after all." Dakota stopped and Dillon got up, wrapping a towel around her as she walked down the steps. Dillon disappeared into the cabin and Dakota immediately turned and straddled me. I laughed, resting my hands on the back of her thighs, the water rippling around us as the steam from the hot tub continued to rise off the water.

"Is it just me... or did Dillon seem out to get you?" she asked, gently wrapping her arms around my neck. I shrugged.

"Maybe she was. It's Dillon. Some days she loves everyone and others... you can be on her bad side for no reason," I reminded her. She nodded her head to the side in agreement, one of her hands gently playing with the hair at the base of my neck. "Enough about her though. What are we going to do on our last night here?"

"I dunno. I think we should do some of this-" she pressed her lips against mine, her fingers tightening in my hair as she ground her hips against mine and I struggled to suppress a moan. She pulled back, a smug grin on her face. "-and maybe this-" She dipped her head, trailing hot kisses down my neck toward the top middle of my chest before stopping. "-and a little more of this." She brought her lips back to mine and I kissed her roughly, pressing her as close to my body as I could.

"I like both of those ideas, but maybe we should do it in the comfort... and warmth... of our room," I suggested. She gave me a knowing smile but nodded, getting off my lap. I watched her walk out of the hot tub and grab her towel, wrapping it around her torso. I went next, draping mine around my waist as I quietly followed her to our room. I closed the sliding glass door behind me and draped the towel on the end of the futon, turning to Dakota. She dropped her towel in the same spot and turned to me.

"Care to continue what we were doing?"

"Of course." I pulled her against me by her waist, capturing her lips with mine in a sweet but wanting kiss. I slowly backed her up against the closed bathroom door, trailing a hand up her thigh to the back of her bikini top, fingering the bow tie. She broke the kiss. "Is this okay with you?" I checked. She responded by reaching behind her back, her fingers brushing mine, and pulling the string of the bow tie, the bikini top loosening. Then she took my hand and placed it on the back of her neck, on the second knot.

"I'm sure. I feel safe with you," she replied quietly. I nodded and pulled the string, her blue bikini top falling to the floor. I raked my eyes over her body, fully aware of the nervous look on her face.

"I'm a lucky guy, Miller. You're gorgeous," I breathed, shooting her a grin. She pulled me in for another kiss and I placed a hand on her bare back, pulling her to the bed with me. We fell onto it, me above her as her hands played with the hem of my boardshorts. She gave my chest a gentle shove and I stood us up, allowing her to carefully and with painful slowness, remove my board shorts. Then she slipped out of the bottom half of her bikini and pulled me to her again. She lowered us onto the bed, skin on skin, and I kissed her roughly as we moved in sync; together, the night melting away.


About forty five minutes later, Dakota was laying on her stomach, facing away from me as I trailed small figure eights across her bare back. She sighed heavily so I paused.

"Are you okay?" I mumbled, sleep threatening to cage me. She rolled over to face me, pulling the sheet over her chest as she did so.

"I'm great. Are you?" she checked. I smiled at her, tucking a strand of her sandy blonde hair behind her ear, her green eyes watching me intently.

"I'm good, Miller. Better than I've been in a long time," I answered. She grinned, her eyelids heavy as she fought sleep. "Goodnight, Dakota." The world went back. 

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