Chapter Seventeen - Cabin Fever

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A Month Later: 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" mom wondered, standing on our porch as I hauled my large duffel bag out of the house.

"It's only for a week, mom. And I'm eighteen. I'll be fine," I promised, stopping at the top of the stairs and placing my hands on my waist as I took a deep breath, preparing to pick up the two ton bag.

"Need some help with that?" a deep, familiar voice asked from behind me. I turned around and my mom glanced over her shoulder to find Landon standing there. His handsome face held an amused smirk and his hands were shoved in his jean pockets, his leather jacket sitting naturally on his shoulders.

"Please," I responded with a smile. He nodded and stepped around me, throwing it over his shoulder and carrying it to Elle's car. He dropped it in the trunk and walked back over to me and my mom. "Elle and I driving together with the boys and Andi and Dillon are driving together too. No one is going alone, mom." She huffed out a breath.

"It'll be good for her. Let her have some fun over winter break. She'll be home in time for Christmas," my dad helped. My mom threw up her hands.

"Obviously I'm outnumbered. Fine. Go. Bye," my mom huffed and walked inside, the door slamming behind her.

"We ready to go?" Elle asked, getting out of her car and sliding her phone into her back pocket. "Pierce is finally packing. Should be done by the time we get there."

"Yeah, let's roll," Landon said. I cracked a smile and turned to my dad.

"Bye kiddo. Stay safe," he told me. I gave him a quick hug and slid into the passenger seat of Elle's car, Elle in the driver seat and Landon in the back. He leaned forward, sticking his head between the two seats as Elle pulled out of my driveway and headed toward Pierce's house.

"Am I going to be back here with Pierce the whole time, or can I have time with my girlfriend?" he asked, a sparkle in his eye. I laughed.

"I'll join you later. Promise," I swore.

"I'm holding you to that, Miller." I nodded, smiling, and we arrived at Pierce's place a few minutes later. Landon jumped out to go get him, leaving Elle and I in the car. She rolled down the windows and switched off the ignition, leaning back into her seat.

"So I take it you and Landon are doing great?" Elle checked, almost teasing. I shook my head, grinning.

"Yeah. After the whole thing at Thanksgiving... things have been different. He still won't talk to me too much, but he's being more open about what he's currently feeling. You know, like if he's angry and he takes it out on me, he realizes and apologized and explains," I told her quietly.

"Pierce!" Landon called, pounding on the door. He turned to us, throwing up his hands.

"Weird. His car is right there and I just got off the phone with him," Elle mumbled. She pushed open her car door and headed toward Landon, me following. Elle raised her hand to knock right as the door flew open.

"I'm right here," Pierce huffed, his face slightly red.

"Everything okay, bud?" Landon wondered, a mixture of worry and amusement on his face.

"My... yeah. Could you take this bag out? I gotta get the keys," Pierce answered, holding his bag out to Landon. My boyfriend took it, giving me a curious glance before stepping by me and heading to the car. Pierce disappeared inside again, leaving Elle and I standing there.

"I didn't give you permission to leave yet!" a loud voice yelled inside.

"That didn't sound like Pierce," I stated.

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