Chapter Fifteen - Happy Thanksgiving... Or Not?

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"Mom! Where do you want this?" I yelled from the dining room that was set up with twelve spots, two for Landon and his mom as well. I'd gone to his house to invite him over, but he wasn't home and his mom was, so I met her and invited them. Landon would probably be annoyed that I talked to her instead of him, but oh well. I was already worrying and overstressing.

"Mom!" I yelled when I didn't get an answer.

"What, Dakota?" my mom asked, poking her head out from behind the doorway into the kitchen.

"Where do you want this... pumpkin thing?" I wondered, holding it up for her to see. It was some decoration dad insisted on having displayed. It was colored like a pumpkin, but had some feathers and some other things. I don't understand the appeal. Neither does my mother.

"I don't know. Just put it... on that shelf right there," she replied, then ducked back into the kitchen.

"Okay, but I don't know why we continue to keep it," I said under my breath and placed it on a tiny open spot on the end of one of the two corner shelves.

I headed into the kitchen and put my hand on my grandma's back as she chopped potatoes.

"I can do it," I offered.

"Thank you Dakota." She moved over to the other counter and I rinsed my hands before taking over for her.

I listened to the deep laughter of my two uncles and my dad from the living room, the screeching of my mom's niece from the backyard through the open door, and the chatter of my mom, her sister-in-law, and my grandmother here in the kitchen.

Just then, the doorbell rang, breaking my concentration.

"Ow!" I yelped, slicing the side of my pointer finger.

"Are you okay?" my mom wondered, handing me a paper towel. I nodded.

"I've got it!" I called, taking the paper towel and wrapping it around my finger as I walked to the front door.

I pulled it open, a smile spreading across my face when I saw who was there.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Landon questioned immediately, nodding to my hand.

"Oh yeah. It's nothing," I said, hiding a smile. "Come in."

"You sure?" Landon checked, kissing my cheek and stepping inside.

"Nice to see you again," his mom said. I smiled. "Oh! We brought a pumpkin pie. You probably already have one, but we figured one more wouldn't hurt."

"My mom will be happy. Thank you. She's right through that door, in the kitchen," I replied, pointing in the direction. She nodded and headed down the hall.

"You clean up nice," I told my boyfriend, cracking a smile. He was in jeans and a nice button up shirt, no jacket.

"Thanks," he mumbled, shuffling his feet and wringing his hands. I grabbed them, lacing my fingers through his.

"Hey, you'll be fine. I told them to leave you alone," I reassured him. He sighed and shook his head. "What?"

"I just never thought I'd be here."

"Here as in my house? Or here as in... meeting your girlfriend's entire family?" I questioned. He laughed, shrugging.

"Both." I smiled and stood on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.

"Are you going to introduce us to this guy anytime soon?" my uncle Ben asked, coming around the corner of the living room. Landon jumped back, pulling his hands out of mine.

"Yeah, Uncle Ben. We're coming," I replied, grabbing Landon's hand and yanking him along behind me.


I smiled as I watched Landon throw his arms up in victory, a football in one hand. I was standing on the back patio deck, watching Landon play a two on two football game with my uncles and my dad. After being here an hour, he'd finally warmed up to them and seemed to be enjoying himself.

They started another round, which my uncle Ben and dad immediately won. I watched a grin spread across Landon's face at something my other uncle, Dave, my mom's brother, said.

"He really likes you, you know," Landon's mom declared, joining me on the back deck and startling me.

"That's good, because I really like him too," I told her with a smile. She returned it just as Landon appeared in front of us.

"Do I want to know what you two are talking about?" he asked skeptically, resting a hand on the small of my back.

"Dinner is done everyone!" my mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Saved by the dinner call," I joked, patting his chest and walking away. He grabbed my waist, pulling me back and giving my dad and uncles an innocent smile as they passed.

"Thank you," he whispered in my ear. His low voice sent a shiver down my spine.


"Being you," he replied. I grinned and turned my head back, giving him a kiss and then pulling away quickly. "You're such a tease."

We headed inside, turning into the dining room, and taking our seats at the table. My dad and mom's dad sat at the ends of the table, my mom and I were on either side of my father. Landon was next to me, his foot bouncing lightly, and his mom across from him. My aunts and uncles were at the other end of our massive table.

"Alright, let's dig in," my dad ordered, standing up and beginning to carve the turkey. Everything was good. If only it had stayed that way. 

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