Chapter Twenty Two - Girl's Night

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"I warned you before you started dating him," Dillon mumbled. "Landon is not the type of guy that opens up and talks about things."

"Be nice, Dil," Elle warned, nudging her in the arm from her spot on her bed.

"I know he's not that type of person, Dillon, but I was hoping he'd be more inclined to share the longer we were together," I replied, playing with the ruffles on the end of my gray and white triangle patterned blanket.

"He will Kota, and he should've told you at least little things already," Elle added. "When was the last time you two talked?"

"Not since Sunday," I replied. "I heard he was at Pierce's yesterday and Wednesday too."

"Well where did you expect him to be?" Dillon said snarkily.

"Dillon! What's your problem?" Elle yelled, sitting up and smacking her phone down on the bed. "You've been an ass since you got here. Actually, since you met her, really."

"Elle, it's fine. I'm not in the mood to deal with this anyway," I told her.

"'Not in the mood to deal with this?'" Dillon quoted, finally making eye contact with me.

"What's your issue?" I asked her. "Why're you here? I thought you hated hanging out at Elle's."

"Why?" Elle wondered, looking hurt.

"Nice going, Dakota. Be an ass," Dillon replied.

"You started it, Dillon," Elle told her.

"I started this because you're complaining about something you can't control. Landon will always be this way. He was when I met him, he was when we dated, and he's like that even now, and you won't change that," Dillon said angrily. I watched her for a moment.

"Dated?" I double checked. When she didn't say anything, I got up, gathering my things, and walking out of Elle's room. I was done with Dillon and this stupid conversation, and I wanted a hug from Landon. I missed his strong hands, his welcoming arms, and his sense of humor that could get me to laugh whenever I needed it. I wanted to go home and just close my eyes and forget any of this happened.


I wrapped my blanket around my shoulders as I turned the corner of my garage, heading to the front porch. I looked up as I neared the steps, seeing Landon fast asleep on my porch swing. His legs were crossed at the ankles and his hood was up, hiding half his face. His headphones were also in, faintly blasting a band I recognized as All American Rejects. His arms were in his sweatshirt pockets and he looked peaceful. I almost didn't want to wake him, but I needed to.

"Landon," I whispered, giving his shoulder a little shove. He stirred, inhaling deeply, and his blue eyes opened. He quickly pushed himself into a sitting position, his hands tightly gripping the chair. "You okay?"

"I'm fine, sorry. I probably shouldn't be here," he apologized, swinging his legs off the bench. I sat next to him, pulling my blanket back up over my right shoulder. He ran a hand through his hair and tucked his headphones into his sweatshirt pocket.

"Why are you here?" I wondered. He looked over to me, searching my face and then sighing, looking down to his clasped hands.

"I want to let you in, Kota, I do. I'm just not good at it," he told me. I nodded.

"Well, I'll start. I learned you and Dillon used to date?" I asked, watching for his reaction. He just nodded, the corner of his mouth twitching up like he was fighting a smile.

"I was wondering when that would come up," he stated. I laughed. "You can't really call it dating anyway. It lasted maybe two weeks and we never did anything."

"I'm not mad. I just wish one of you would've told me earlier," I confessed. ""It explains all the jealous looks and snarky remarks we keep receiving." He nodded again.

"I miss you." he blurted. "It's been a week since we've talked or even seen each other, aside from awkwardly passing at school."

"I know. I miss you too," I agreed. He took a deep breath.

"Like you learned at Thanksgiving, my dad's a drunk and abusive. I don't enjoy talking about him or anything relating to him, which is why I shut down every question you ask about him," he explained.

"Landon, you don't-" I began, but he cut me off.

"I want to. Now shut up and kiss me," he ordered, cupping my face in his hands and kissing me roughly. I melted into his strong arms and rested my hands on his chest, my blanket slipping off my shoulders.

"I should go," he breathed, pulling away and standing up. I grabbed his wrist.

"Or you could stay and talk," I suggested. He smiled and gave me a curt nod before following me inside.

Five minutes later, after we'd snuck passed my dad who was sleeping on the couch, we were sitting in my room. I was leaning against the headboard and he was laying down, his head in my lap.

"Michael sounds like he was a really good brother," I obsessed, playing with Landon's curly hair. It was well past midnight now, and we were still talking. He'd told me about his father, and how he used to come home drunk night after night and beat on his mom. If the kids got involved, their dad would turn on them, but Landon usually managed to miss most of it because Michael would protect him. Then Michael moved away after he graduated, and Landon took the brunt of it for another year and a half.

"Yeah, he was. He still is, he just... had to get out of here, and I don't blame him," he replied. I was about to ask a question in which I was afraid to learn the answer to.

"Did he ever hurt you?" I asked. Landon sighed heavily, and then sat up. He slowly pulled his shirt off.

"Everything is from him," he replied, refusing to make eye contact with me. I moved closer to him and crossed my legs, looking at all the little scars that covered his torso, and deciding not to ask about the big one across his chest. How did I miss these over break? I gently grabbed his chin, tilting it up so his beautiful blue eyes would meet mine.

"I really like you, Landon Hudson, and this doesn't change anything or scare me away. I'm not going anywhere and I need you to believe me," I told him. He searched my face and then gave me a gentle, sweet kiss before pulling me into a hug.

"I believe you, Dakota," he whispered into my hair. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Things were finally better, and I felt like I understood him a little more.

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