Chapter Twenty Three - The Last Perfect Day

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I inhaled deeply as I woke up to the sun shining into my face. I blinked a couple times as my eyes adjusted to the bright light and then I took in my surroundings. I was in Dakota's sky blue painted bedroom and her curtains were open, meaning we hadn't gotten up after we came up here last night. I looked down to the block of warm heat next to me to see Kota still asleep, her breathing even. I slowly pulled my arm out from under her head and got up off the bed since I'd fallen asleep on top of the comforter.

"I really like you, Dakota Miller. I'm gonna take you out again, to apologize," I whispered. She stirred, letting out a tiny sigh, which made me smile. I kissed her forehead and snuck out the window, careful not to make any sound. The last thing I needed was to be caught by her parents.


"Are you sure Pierce won't care we're out here?" Dakota asked me for the third time. I chuckled and turned to her, the wind rushing through the grass at our feet and making it dance.

"I'm positive, Kota. And like I told you, he knows we're here. I asked," I reassured her. She sighed.

"Alright, well c'mon. I want to see this place," she said, walking in front of me. I smiled and followed her.

We reached the small patch of dirt that didn't contain any weeds. I spread the blanket out and Dakota plopped down next to me.

"This is really pretty," she remarked. I nodded, looking around at all the trees surrounding us. It was a tiny clearing in the far back of Pierce's property that we'd discovered when we were kids.

"Pierce and I found this place when we were little, years ago," I told her. She leaned her head against my shoulder and sighed.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. It was a happy sigh," she reassured. I nodded. "So have you heard anything from the gang?"

"No. All I know is they're still after me for the money I owe."

"Why haven't you gone to the cops?"

"I can't, Dakota." I looked over at her, her blonde hair moving in the light breeze, her green eyes watching me intently. "They'll kill everyone I care about, and I can't let that happen," I explained. "Anyway, let's talk about happier things."

"Like what?" she asked. I kissed her, lowering her onto the blanket so I was hovering above her.

"Like... we've successfully been dating for four months, and we even got through our first real fight," I answered. She grinned, her hands moving up my back to rest on my shoulders. I dipped my head and kissed her again, our tongues flicking together in perfect harmony.

"I want ice cream," Dakota said suddenly, pulling away. I laughed and rolled off her.

"Alright, let's go get ice cream," I told her. She smirked, pecked my cheek, and then proceeded to help me pick up.


"This town isn't too bad," Dakota decided as we walked down the street, eating our ice cream.

"Yes it is," I stated. She rolled her eyes and bumped my shoulder.

"No it's not. I mean it's cute and little, and it's got amazing scenery," she described. I shook my head.

"I think I would've liked it had my childhood been different, but it wasn't, so I plan on getting the hell out of here once I graduate," I explained. She nodded, staying quiet. We hadn't really discussed anything about our plans after graduation yet, let alone our relationship.

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