Chapter Twenty - Brand New Year

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Two Months Later (last day of winter break)

I twisted the knob of my brand new canon camera, focusing in on the still bare trees. All of a sudden, a blurry yet familiar image appeared in my lens. I chuckled, moving away from my camera which rested on the banister of my porch.

"You're just now using that?" Landon asked. I shrugged.

"I've been a little busy. Besides, I'm still getting used to all the buttons. I mean this camera is five versions newer than my previous one," I told him. He nodded, a small smile dancing on his lips. I saw him a lot during the cabin trip, but over the course of the last two weeks, we've only talked over the phone a bit.

"What're you doing here?" I wondered, carefully placing my camera back in it's bag and then walking down the porch stairs, staying on the last one so I was almost as tall as Landon. He pulled me closer, sliding his hands under my shirt and resting them on my hips. "Damn, your hands are freezing," I said. He chuckled and moved his hands, wrapping his arms around my waist instead.

"Well, I have an idea that could warm us up," he replied, kissing my cheek and beginning to place tiny, hot kisses down my neck. I smiled, giving him a gentle shove back. He pulled away with a groan.

"My dad is right inside," I said quietly. Landon sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Why'd you come over?"

"I wanted to see you before school starts back up tomorrow," he told me, leading me up onto the porch.


"Because apparently I can't just come visit my girlfriend?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes.

"It's just that I've barely seen you all week, and suddenly you show up," I replied, zipping my camera bag closed and placing it on the floor next to the porch swing.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that," he said.

"You did have fun at the cabin, right?" I clarified. He chuckled.

"Yes, the cabin trip was great," he agreed.

"So what've you been up to these last couple weeks?" I asked, wrapping my arms around myself. It was freezing outside and I hadn't brought a jacket with me because I didn't plan on being outside very long.

"Nothing really," he lied.

"Landon, why won't you talk to me?" I asked. I'd been avoiding this talk since we started dating but after almost four months, I was getting sick of it.

"I do talk to you," he defended. I scoffed, turning to face him on the bench.

"No, Landon, you don't. Not about important things. I - I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around you. The last time you told me anything was at the cabin, and it was a couple memories that explained nothing," I told him, watching him as he stood up and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I don't want you to feel like that whenever we're together," he wondered quietly. I stood up too, my arms wrapped around myself as he paced the length of my porch.

"I know, and I didn't mean..." I trailed off. "I just... I don't think you trust me." Landon stopped pacing and turned to me.

"I do trust you, Kota. It's just that..." he stopped, taking a deep breath. "There are certain things that you don't need to know about yet."

"You keep saying that, but when are you going to be ready? I think I've already proven I'm not going anywhere," I pointed out.

"It's not that simple!" he snapped angrily, raising his voice and clenching his jaw, his sharp jawline prominent. I took a step back, surprised by his outburst. Every time we've ever argued, he's never raised his voice. "Dakota..."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," I decided quietly, grabbing my camera and pulling open the front door.

"And I'm the one that never wants to talk," he mumbled. I ignored him and pushed the door closed behind me, leaning against it. I listened to his heavy footsteps as he retreated, and then I let out a sigh. Great. 

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