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"Will you stop that!"

Trix jumped at the exclamation.

She looked to her right at Frypan, whose only response was to glare at her murderously. Her constant tapping on the wheel as she was driving was getting on his nerves. It wasn't her fault, it was the only thing distracting her from Minho and Gally's dumb argument in the back of the vehicle. In response to his glare, she quickly lifted her hands in the universal sign of surrender.

"Sorry," the British girl muttered before turning her attention back to the road. As fun is it was to irritate Fry, even Trix knew not to when he was hungry. They hadn't stopped since they ran out of gas a few hours ago. All of them had decided to get to California as quickly as legally possible, which had very recently turned out to be a bad idea. Hearing Fry's stomach growl, she reached into her jackets pocket and threw a packet of crispy M&M's at him. Hopefully that would calm him down until they could stop at a service station or something.

The blue-eyed member of the group smiled slightly at Fry's noise of happiness. After knowing the guy for a few years, she knew that she had to bring food with her because a hungry witch equals a vexed witch. That usually lead to one of the group being cursed for a few hours until Fry felt generous enough to retract his spell. Trix really didn't want a repeat of the Minx Body Swap Mishap of Month 14. Trix almost visibly shuddered at the memory.

Looking in the rear-view mirror she saw Minho shudder and Gally smirk. Seems as if she wasn't the only one to remember that particular day that Fry was feeling vengeful.

"I don't think I've ever seen you and Minho as terrified as you do whenever Fry's angry," Gally commented.

Both the fox and the banshee shared a look in the rear-view mirror before Minho "accidentally" elbowed the wolf. Gally looked ready to retaliate before Fry glared at him too. The scarred girl smirked as Gally paled dramatically.

"So, how long until we get to Bacon Hills?" Gally asked quickly.

Nice deflection there Gal, Trix thought to herself.

"First things first, it's called Beacon Hills. I doubt they'd have so many random animal attacks and serial killers if it was called anything else. The place is a literal Beacon for all things that go bump in the night," Trix started. "We'll be there in maybe two hours if traffic doesn't decide to backstab us. We would've been there by now, but some shank just had to forget to pack until the last bloody minute."

Everyone in the SUV gave Minho the stink eye. For someone who was excited to see his best friend again, he sure was terrible with getting ready. One would think with all the mornings he had spent getting ready for a day running in the Maze, packing to visit a friend would be easy. But Minho somehow had a talent for surprising people.

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