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"Okay, we're in guys. You can go."

"Copy that Grey Wolf" Harriet responded before getting the others to follow her.

Whilst she had been in her own maze with these girls, Kira and Malia seemed to know exactly what to do. Whether it was because Malia was following the other coyote of the group or something else, Harriet didn't know but she liked it.

Their group entered through a storm cellar locking entrance. Nobody was behind the hatch which lead to the underground area of the buildings.

Harriet put the duffle bag on the floor and began to pull out the explosives they had been given. She passed them to the others and silently pointed to the support pillars spread out in the vast space. It appeared to be a underground car park which just made their part of the plan easy.


"Now, Harriet's group are gonna be the demolition group. Your task is to get to the underground car park which is spread out underneath all of the buildings. There you will have to plant these explosives on the support beams." Sonya explained before handing a duffle bag to her girlfriend.

Harriet and Marie looked into the bag and gasped.

"How the shuck did you sticks get a hold of these?" Marie asked, shocked.

Trix chuckled at her mate before tapping the side of her nose.

The coyote groaned at the fox's antics causing everybody else to laugh.

"Any way, this team will be Harriet, Marie, Jacks, Lia, Kira and Malia. Most of you have worked together before and you'd need more hands so I think Kira and Malia would be the best option since you guys still aren't fully comfortable around guys that aren't us." Minho added with a wink causing Lia to whack him from where she was stood.


"Kira and Marie cover the west side. Lia and Jacks I want you to do north. Malia and I'll do the east. We'll work our way into the centre and get out again. Then we wait until anybody needs us, got it?"

At the nods she received, Harriet ran to the furthest away beam on the east side of the car park. There weren't too many beams which was good in case they were needed by one of the other teams.

Harriet and Malia had only placed four of the explosives before Mason got their attention over the coms.

"Arcana, we have two armed flakes heading to your location on the east side. Do what you have to. I have control of the elevators." He warned.

Harriet shared a look with the werecoyote she was with. They both silently agreed on their next actions and moved over to the elevator close to where they were working.

"Let them come down, Mason. We'll deal with them. Override, Lupa, hide out of sight for a sec." Harriet replied as she stood next to the left side of the doors.

Malia stood next to the right side waiting for the guards to get out, having the exact same idea.

The elevator dinged as it arrived on their floor before the doors slid open. The poor guys didn't stand a chance.

As soon as they stepped one foot out of the elevator, the witch and coyote knocked them out and dragged their bodies to where they were previously stood. Both of the females took their weapons and zip tied their hands behind their backs before continuing with what they were previously doing.


Jacks pointed towards the elevators in that lead to where they'd be planting the explosives.

"What are we supposed to do if anyone comes down?"

Trix and Thomas looked to Mason.

"Uh, by the time we've got the security cameras under our control we'll be able to see if anyone's going down so we can warn you. We'll also have full control over the elevators so we can stop them. I would recommend trapping the elevators when you're on the last explosives. Once jammed, somebody will go to investigate so we can't hold them up long." he explained while showing them the tech schemes of the elevators.

"So basically, knock them out unless it's in the last few minutes all of us need and then let you deal with them?" Lia asked, simplifying his explanation.

He shrugged in response.


A few minutes later all the girls had gotten to the centre and were putting down the last ones before Trix spoke over the coms.

"Arcana, you may wanna finish and head to Poughkeepsie. Mimic just sent some Flakes your way, one's a meater though. So head to Poughkeepsie unless you guys can take 'em."

"Copy that Hailstorm. I think we can take them. We're almost done." Harriet responded before sending a signal to Lia since she was the fastest.

"They're coming from the west side and will be down in maybe a second. Make sure to take their radios as well so they can't signal back to anyone." Jorge added. "Good luck hermanas."

The group began to pack up their gear as they heard the elevator give off it's obnoxious ding. There were sounds of a struggle but the men were quickly subdued by the vampire. Lia ran back to them and threw the radios to the floor before grinning at them.

Harriet once again shouldered the duffle bag and made her way to the hatch they'd entered from with the group following her lead.

"We're done here. Is anybody outside the hatch?" she asked whilst her hand rested on one of the handles.

"You're all clear Alpha team, head towards Delta team until you're needed again." came the reply a couple of seconds later.

With that, the girls made a quick exit and met up with Vince's group on the other side of the wire fence.


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