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Almost immediately the Lambda team became alert. Trix had just been tackled to the floor by who or whatever had been in the room.

As soon as they heard the alpha laugh tough, they relaxed.

"Chuck! I missed you so much!" She pushed herself up until she was on her knees hugging the curly haired teen clinging to her shirt.

More teens began to leave the room after they heard Trix cry out Chuck's name. At the front was a tall black teen who Sonya briefly remembered as Alby. Behind him was a familiar redheaded witch.

"Oh my gods, Sal! You're okay, Lia's gonna be so happy to see you again!" She squealed as she threw herself at the scotswoman.

It took everybody a few seconds to realise what was happening but soon the hallway was filled with Gladers from both groups hugging the three Gladers that had got them out.

"Oi, ya bloody shanks! Don't I get a hug?"

The familiar british accent caused Trix and Sonya to snap their heads to the direction it came from.


The blond had almost no time to prepare for the two foxes leaping at him. Both began to sob into his shoulders about how much they missed him. He chuckled as he clung to the two. It took them approximately 30 seconds to recover.

"Okay guys, as much as I love a reunion maybe we should get out of here first."

Gale interrupted before Mason's panicked voice came over the coms.

"Lambda team, you have two incoming. They're in the elevator."

Trix looked at Gale.

"You know what to do." She stated before picking up the gear they'd all dropped to greet their friends. As soon as she'd swung the pack onto her back again she began pushing the rescued Gladers towards the stairwell.

The group made it out of sight just as the elevator dinged.

Trix put a finger to her blue lips as they heard the guards get off the lift.

"What do you two think you're doing here?"

The voice of Ratman made Newt tense up until Sonya shook her head at him and mouthed Gale's name to him.

"We're here to check on the prisoners, sir. I thought you were with Chancellor Paige and the group that they caught breaking in." One of the guards replied with confusion clear in his voice.

"Well you thought wrong." Gale snapped back whilst pretending to be Janson. "I came here to make sure nobody else had decided to split off from the group. Now why don't you do something useful and go check the underground car park for any intruders."

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