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Trix had admittedly come up with plans whilst almost dying better than the one she already had running through her mind.

Then again, her mind was fogged up from the Flare virus working its way through her system.

All in all, the alpha had about 12% of a plan and was pretty much the definition of a zombie. The Flare hadn't fully taken over yet, but her limbs were as heavy as lead. She couldn't control the glow of her eyes and her fangs were almost biting through her lip.

Her senses were going into overdrive just to keep her alive at the moment which was distracting her from her idea of a plan.

The now ginger alpha stumbled once again into a wall as she dragged herself through the maze of hallways that belonged to S.T.A.R. Labs. She was about to go left when she heard the stomping of W.I.C.K.E.D.s soldiers. There were no rooms nearby and there was no way that Trix was going to make it down the hall in time.

Frantically, she looked around to find anything that would help. It was when she tilted her gaze higher that she saw the answer to all her problems.


"How do you lose a dying alpha who's top speed at the moment is that of a snail?" Thomas growled as he glared at everyone gathered before him.

Somehow, Trix had gotten away from the hospital wing and had practically disappeared. Admittedly the true alpha had thought there was a possibility she would do something stupid, but they were now running out of time. The cure was almost ready. The only thing they needed to add was Thomas' blood. Still, Trix couldn't be found and Ratman was still getting closer to the cortex.

Newt had tried to calm the fox but even he was feeling anxious. Even in the Glade, Trix had never just left without telling someone. It was an unspoken law.

Luckily Fry stepped in.

"Thomas you know that's unfair. Trix has always had a way of disappearing, especially when you don't want her to. You can't blame them for not noticing."

A heavy sigh left the mole covered teen. His shoulders slumped before he turned back to everyone else gathered around.

"Look, I'm sorry." He breathed out. "Trix is missing and it scares the hell out of me that the virus could take over whilst she's not here. Trix without the Flare was dangerous enough."

Everyone looked curiously at the true alpha.

"What do you mean?" Oliver asked.

"Trix has always been the wildcard out of all of us." Gally explained briefly.

Minho face palmed before sighing.

"What he means to say is that, Trix is known for being unpredictable. Her temper is practically a time bomb just waiting to be set off. She doesn't remember her past, but whatever happened changed her. She doesn't trust easily and it's made her very protective. To the point that murder doesn't phase her."

"Not to mention," Newt started. "Her hatred for Janson runs deeper than ours. There's some theories still floating around about why but no one is certain."

"It's been said that he may have murdered her family when they abducted her." Fry added sadly.

"No one knows for sure. It's complicated. She's always been surprising though. Never was one for giving up or taking the easy route." Brenda contributed.

Dr Snow looked as if she was going to say something but the sound of a raspy laugh cut her off.

Heads snapped in the direction of the familiar voice.

"You lot and that pathetic excuse of an alpha, why can't you all just give up? I mean, this will never end otherwise."

Thomas went to attack the man only to be stopped.

One of the W.I.C.K.E.D. soldiers held Marie tightly with a gun pressed to her temple. Her eyes were wide with fear. Not for her own life, but for Trix.

Stood in front of the gathered crowd was the ratman himself, Janson.

If it wasn't for the stitches on his face, he would have looked healthy. The crazed look in his eyes just made him look a fraction of how unhinged he truly was.

Thomas suppressed a shudder. The last time he'd seen that look was when Janson was infected with the Flare himself.

He noticed the deranged man glance around the room before stopping his gaze on Barry.

"You may be fast, but I don't think you would be able to save everyone." The rat smirked "we're in a confined space and the entire room is surrounded after all."

Thomas snorted.

"Wow, you really stepped up to the plate haven't you? Scared that she'll get the drop on you still? Even in her current state, she terrifies you. Doesn't she?"

Janson growled and motioned for another soldier to hand him something. A sleek black handgun was given to him. He didn't hesitate before aiming the gun at Newt.

"Not so smart now are you Thomas?" Janson taunted, seeing the male alpha pale dramatically.

"Why are you doing this!" Dr Snow exclaimed loudly, distracting the maniac.

The rat faced man spun to look in her direction. A chaotic grin widened across his mangled features.

"I guess what they say is true. Like mother, like daughter." Janson had the audacity to laugh. "Tell me this good doctor, does she even know?"

The woman's eyes were trained on the floor as tears picked them. Her hands were shaking where they held.

"Oh my," Janson gasped. "You didn't recognise her did you? You're own flesh and blood. Well you did abandon her."


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