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"Okay, we're in guys. You can go."

"Thanks, Grey Wolf. See ya on the other side." Trix smirked.

The white-haired female gestured for her group to follow her to the back entrance. Once outside the door, they all linked hands allowing Corey to do his thing. Trix iced the lock before hitting it. It shattered leaving them for the go ahead.

"Lambda team, you are good to go."

With that, Trix opened the door and walked in, not once letting go of one of the others.


"My team are the ones in charge of finding the others and getting them out. I'll have Sonya, Lydia, Isaac and Corey. Which leaves Peter, Chris and Noshiko on surveillance and Natalie with Esther on medical attention."

Thomas took over as he noticed Trix sway slightly, taking the attention away from her.

"Surveillance team are also back up so if any of us need help, we'll most likely call you guys first before any of the other teams. So be prepared for the worst."

Gally then pointed to a back entrance on the map. It was on the building to the right of where everybody else was entering.

"This is where you guys will enter. The others are supposed to be on the second floor in the room with the huge metal doors. The only way we can see you guys opening it is by breaking it down." he explained, catching on to what Thomas was doing.

"You guys will have to use the stairs since almost everyone in that building relies on the elevator. It'll be the doors furthest away from the stairway."

Gale sighed.

"Of shucking course it will be. Trust everyone to use the elevator."

The African shapeshifter made the others chuckle at her detest for stairs.


Once out of the public view from everybody, the team let go of each other and scowled at the door in front of them.

After seeing how far up the second floor was from the first, the group all shared Gale's hatred for the staircase. They quietly made their way through the door and began to go up the stairs.

Halfway up, Trix spoke over the coms.

"Are you completely sure there wasn't any other way for us to get the to the second floor?"

She heard some of the others snickering before Vince replied.

"You were one of the ones to look over the blueprints, you would know if there was."

Trix groaned while rubbing the backs of her legs. As her trouser leg slid up slightly, she caught sight of some black veins that had recently appeared. She sighed and continued to push herself up the rest of the steps.

Lydia and Sonya exchanged a look and made mental notes to inform Thomas about the new veins they'd briefly seen.


Just before the others began to get in their vehicles to set off on their quest, Thomas pulled Sonya to the side.

"You've noticed it haven't you?" He asked the kitsune.

"It's hard not to. You want me to keep an eye on her and tell you if it gets worse?" She asked gently, knowing that he had witnessed her brother going through the exact same thing but at a quicker pace.

"Yeah, Lydia also knows so don't be afraid to talk to her if she starts getting towards the Gone." Thomas confirmed, glad that he didn't need to tell Sonya exactly what was happening. She just seemed to know exactly what was going on and what to do.

Sonya nodded before pulling Thomas into a hug.

"Don't worry, we'll get him back and I'll make sure Trix is okay." She murmured into his shoulder before letting him go and climbing into the passenger side of Lyra.


"I never want to climb up another set of stairs again." Gale declared as she reached the top.

"Agreed." Sonya and Lydia added.

Poor Corey was too out of breath to comment whilst Trix was already making her way down the hospital like corridor. Gale followed and stood close to the elevator that was halfway through the corridor. Sonya pulled Corey up and helped him to where Trix was standing whilst the banshee of the group followed.

"We're here. Is everything clear for us to take this door out?" Sonya asked through the coms, smiling at how close they were to getting the others.

"You're clear Wildfire. Nobody is around, good luck hermana." Jorge responded.

Trix banged on the door loud enough for anybody else to hear if they were on the other side.

There was a bang in reply that indicated that someone was on the other side.

"Newt? Are you guys behind there? If you are bang twice for yes!" Trix yelled before hearing two bangs answering her.

"You guys gotta move away from the door whilst we get it open, okay?" Sonya shouted before pulling Lydia and Corey away from the door.

Trix took that as her sign to start. She took of her jacket revealing a long-sleeved shirt hiding the flare and took a few steps back before letting her eyes glow their eerie ice white colour.

Mist swirled around her hands as the temperature in the corridor dropped dramatically causing the others to shiver. She placed both hands upon the door and let the ice that had been forming on her fingertips travel across the doors. As soon as the door became brittle, Trix grabbed a sledge hammer out of the pack she had been carrying it and slammed it into the door.

The metal shattered and left the doorway empty. Trix dropped the sledge hammer to the side ad grabbed her pistol sized crossbow. She took one step inside before she was tackled to the floor.


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