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As it turned out, W.I.C.K.E.D. hadn't updated their outdoors security since the last time the Glader's had broken in. Which was fortunate for them since it made the breaking in to the area easy.

However, they had definitely updated the security for each building. Every member of staff was pulled over and given a full body scan as well as a blood sample analysis just to confirm it was them. It would've been considered over the top, but the others knew the damaged they had caused last time and decided that their security measures were understandable. If a bunch of teenagers brought them to the point of near extinction, how much trouble could a group of professionals cause.

That made the getting in part quite difficult. It was a good job that some of the others were on surveillance duty and could see the weak spots from where they were stationed.

"Hailstorm, Wildfire, there are a couple of flakes headed your way, be careful." Vince notified Trix and Sonya using some of their codes.

"Copy that, Lone Wolf. They look as if they're all show and no go." Trix replied through the coms.

Thomas could feel himself smirking at the use of old fashioned slang they decided to use as a sort of code. It was a way for anyone listening in to get confused long enough for them to be spotted on the radio waves by Jorge and Mason. Thankfully, they remembered to tell the others what code meant what just incase of anything they didn't account for happening.

Brenda tapped the fox on the shoulder and pointed to a door hidden by bushes and shrubs on the left side of the main hub. There seemed to be no patrol outside of the area and looked easy enough to open. He nodded at the she wolf and motioned the others to look at the door. Unlike the others, their group were trying not to talk over the coms unless it was an emergency. Their coms were stealthily hidden on them so they weren't spotted right away.

Slowly, the group crept over to the entrance whilst putting a marker just outside the door for the others to see. Frypan hovered a hand over the lock until there was a barely audible click indicating to the door unlocking. The group paused for a second, trying to detect movement on the other side of the door.

"Gamma team, you're good to go." Mason informed them quietly before they opened the door.

The corridor they'd entered was abandoned. Which meant that Janson and Ava were waiting for them. Just like they'd planned. They only made it a couple of steps in before they were surrounded by W.I.C.K.E.D.s armed guards. The group dropped their weapons just as the guards started to yell at them. Thomas had to hide a smirk at how predictable they were. It was all going according to plan.


Everybody was gathered around the huge table in the middle of the room that had been dubbed the strategy room or war council room.

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