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In the five minutes the group had been gathered at Peter's apartment, Trix had yet to remove her sunglasses or her leather jacket that looked a size or two too big. Everyone else had removed their jackets as to feel more comfortable during the wait but it was as if Trix was still cautious. It took another two minutes for the group to arrive. As soon as he heard them approach the door, Peter left the room in which everyone was in. It was surprisingly more people than he or Isaac thought. He lead them through his apartment towards the other group in silence, holding Chris' hand in reassurance.

"It seems as if there were more loyal friends than we previously thought. Either that or this must be the supernatural version of an alcohol anonymous meeting." Peter announced causing multiple snickers from the teens.

Everyone became silent as both groups looked over each other trying to sense any signs of danger or reasons for mistrust from the other. When none was apparently found, Stiles stood between them. He cleared his throat to get their attention.

"Guys these are my packmates who I met when I was missing." Stiles introduced before gesturing to the white-haired female leaning against the wall behind the sofa. "This is Trix, the alpha of the pack -" the pale girl nodded at the group in response, "- Minho is the banshee -" the Asian winked at the group before the dark skinned one slapped him across the back of the head "- the one who just hit him is our witch we nicknamed Frypan because he's also a cook-" the Gladers chuckled at the reminder of Fry's job in the Glade "- and this is Gally, Trix's left hand." He also nodded at the group.

"Well, since he forgot to include his titles. Stiles was first introduced to us as Thomas and he's the acting alpha as well as my right hand. Hell, he's practically co alpha at this point." Trix pointed out, revealing her British accent. She then smirked at Stiles' glare that was directed at her. She then shrugged in faux innocence before he turned back to the Beacon Hills group.

"I'm Lydia, banshee." The strawberry blonde introduced smiling at the newcomers politely. Her eyes lingered on Minho before looking at the rest of Stiles' pack. She then nudged Malia lightly receiving a sigh from the coyote.

"I'm Malia, werecoyote." She then wrapped her arm around the Asian teen next to her before speaking again. "And this is my girlfriend Kira, she's a kitsune." The other teen also gave the Gladers a kind smile before gesturing to the older woman stood behind her.

"This is my mother, Noshiko. She's also a kitsune." The older woman nodded in a style that was similar to Trix's. Not disrespectful but cautious. Trix could smell the faint scent of ozone surrounding the older woman, telling Trix that she and her daughter were potentially Sanda kitsunes.

"I'm Mason and this is Corey, my boyfriend. I'm a member of team human and we still aren't quite sure what Corey is yet." The teen wrapped his arms around his boyfriend in a tight embrace before smiling at the group. "We didn't meet Stiles until after he reappeared in Beacon Hills."

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