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Shocked, nobody moved. Not even to catch the alpha as she fell to the ground.

Then, it was as if time was sped up again. All at once everyone ran to see if Trix was okay.

The snow-haired female was unconscious on the grass, black bile like blood trailing down from the corner of her lips. Pulsing black veins that were once hidden under her shirt had spread so they were visible on her prominent collarbones. She had paled even further than anyone had believed to be possible for her.

Thomas ripped his phone from his pocket and quickly found the name of the person he knew would help almost straight away. It only took two rings for the older man to pick up. It seemed as if Thomas' back up plan was still very present it the man's mind when he answered the phone.

"Snowflake needs help doesn't she?"

The gruff voice at the other end of the phone sent a flood of reassurance through Thomas as he checked Trix's pulse. It was a bit faster than usual but it was still there.

"Yeah, she does. It's gotten worse. We'll be there by tomorrow at the latest."

"Just get here when you can, we should have everything sorted by then. Take care kit."

"Will do. See ya then, Mick."


It was one of those weird days where everyone was gathered together and just hanging around the S.T.A.R. Labs hall or the Hangar as it had been dubbed by Team Flash.

All the different vigilante teams had been gathered for a day of relaxation since their respective cities/zones were peaceful for the moment. Most of the group were taking it as an opportunity to catch up with one another. Of course, Mick Rory and Leonard Snart were sat further away from everybody and were content drinking their beers in the corner they had chosen. Barry had came over to see how they were doing a couple of times and to see if there were any updates of the mysterious 'Snowflake' they had been talking about.

It was just as they were talking to the scarlet speedster when Mick's phone went off.

Mick immediately answered after he checked the ID. Kit.

"Snowflake needs help doesn't she?" He asked not even bothering to greet the kid on the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, she does. It's gotten worse." The kid sighed sadly at the news.

Next to him Len tensed. He wasn't the only Rogue with a soft spot for the female alpha. He could see the Barry was already forming a slight attachment despite having never met her.

"We'll be there by tomorrow at the latest." He informed the arsonist.

"Just get here when you can, we should have everything sorted by then. Take care kit."

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