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Out of the three vehicles moving towards one of the Gladers safe houses, it was Lyra who was filled with the most tension.

Lyra was Trix's armoured SUV which was about as subtle as a flying chainsaw or a bunch of spanners being thrown down a fire escape.

After the group had loaded up the cars, the moved as quickly as legally possible to outrun Scott, Derek and their followers. The conversation that had been interrupted hadn't been picked up in fear of one of the passengers to suddenly lose control. Which wasn't particularly unusual with the Gladers. They had been through a lot together and the protective nature of all of them mixing together was a ticking time bomb once a spark had ignited.

Thomas sighed heavily and looked down at his phone. He had pulled up his contacts, his finger hovering over Jorge's name. He was usually one of the people to be able to calm Trix down enough to prevent a possible animal attack or homicide from happening. The only other people were Vice, Newt, Alby and Gally. However, two of them are either dead or imprisoned by WICKED, Gally was just as pissed off as the white haired vixen and Vince was most likely with Jorge anyway.

Thinking better of it, Thomas scrolled passed Jorge's contact to Marie's.

Fair warning, Trix is pissed and looks ready to commit genocide. I'd call her if I were you.

It didn't take long after he hit send for a reply to come through.

What did you do now?

The coyote's response made Thomas want to laugh at how well she knew him.

Marie had been one of the survivors from group B and immediately took a shine to Trix when they met. The blonde had confided in Thomas about her feelings towards the Alpha but hadn't made an actual move until after everything had settled down. The two were obviously mates. They rarely argued, could basically communicate without speaking and always knew what the other needed. It was as if they could read each other's minds even if they were half a world away from each other.

For once it's not my fault. Sourwolf said something that really set the others off when I told them what it is.

Something tells me it was disrespectful and a terrible way to try to get you to stay. I'm surprised that Trix hasn't turned him into a sourwolf popsicle from how you described him to me was the lightning fast reply he was gifted with.

At this point, Trix's phone gave a quite chirp.

Thomas noticed the subtle twitch of the older fox's lips which only happened if Marie had contacted her. Her shoulders seemed to slump as the tension in the car fled. As soon as Trix calmed down, everyone in Lyra seemed to follow her lead unconsciously.

The whiskey eyed boy leant his head against the window and drifted off...


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