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Inhuman growls echoed throughout the corridors of S.T.A.R. Labs for what seemed like hours. More heartbreaking was the growls and snarls morphing into screams and sobs of pain. It sounded as if the teen was being flayed alive. No one knew how to deal with the situation.

The Gladers had all grabbed Trix as soon as the virus fully took over. No one had seen the group for a while but they knew Trix wouldn't go down easy even in her sickened state. Thomas and Gally had been the ones to grab her arms and drag her from the room before the others followed carrying allsorts of items. The Rogues had just blocked the doorway before anyone else could follow them with a single statement.

"You might not be immune and she gets bitey when restrained."

Despite the lighthearted tone the words gave off, everyone understood the seriousness. No one really knew the possible outcomes, mainly because the only cure that had been used before was a crudely made one by Mary in the middle of nowhere with limited supplies. Not even the Gladers had seen the cure at work. It was a nerve wracking time for everyone.

Only when the sobs faded to silence, someone came out and informed them that the threat had passed.

The Rogues were the first to join the Gladers standing around the unconscious female alpha. Everyone else stayed away to give the odd family their privacy. However, it left time to get some answers for other questions that had arose.


"Caitlin, what did Janson mean?" Cisco inquired quietly.

The doctor freezed in her spot, the words getting stuck in her throat. She felt Frost's presence in her mind, urging her to keep quiet but Caitlin knew she couldn't lie to her friends any longer.

"Exactly what he meant Cisco."

Everyone froze at that. Nobody had known and it wasn't until Janson mentioned it that it had truly hit her. Her own child had been with right next to her and she didn't even recognise the child she had left behind.

"Wait, so- Trix is your- but how?" Ray's confusion would've been hilarious but the situation did not call for laughter, only seriousness.

All eyes were on the metahuman doctor as she sighed and took a seat.

"When I was younger, I met a guy who I thought I would spend forever with. We stayed together for a while despite us both working on different things. After a year or so I gave birth to a baby girl."

Caitlin took a deep breath before continuing as her eyes started to water. Even her icy alter ego started to feel the guilt creep up on her.

"She was so precious, with these big blue eyes that made everyone love her. We stayed together until about a year later. I got a job offer at Mercury Labs whilst her father was content raising her where we were. We agreed to split but I would still visit. However after I moved, they basically dropped off the map. I never saw them again and I didn't even recognise my baby until Janson pointed it out."

Sobs burst out of her mouth as she attempted to get the last sentence out. Despite her heartbreak, she powered on.

"It's one of the reasons I don't celebrate Christmas. It just reminds me of my baby girl and how she disappeared. Until now, I thought she was dead. And when I finally see her again she's clinging to life by a fraying rope. I looked everywhere for her."

A warm hand fell on her shoulder and she turned slightly to see Mick. The pyromaniac gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and spoke up.

"If W.I.C.K.E.D. had grabbed her then you wouldn't have found her. Nobody could find these kids for years. It took them breaking out for W.I.C.K.E.D. to be discovered." He assured the grieving mother.

"She's asking for you anyway. She knows it wasn't your fault, she doesn't hold anything against you." Leonard added as the rest of the Rogues left Trix's room.

A few of the Gladers had also joined them out in the cortex to mingle with the heroes. All ready to give their alpha privacy.

The doctor wiped her eyes and took a deep breath before heading into the room.


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