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As soon as she had said that, Trix had officially started a war.

Without blinking Trix let an arrow fly straight into the heart of Ava Paige before tackling Janson to the ground. She landed a couple of punches to his face before he kicked her off and made a move towards his gun which had flown from his hand as he was tackled.

Thomas ran over and kicked the gun away from him before pulling him up and landing a few of his own hits on the man who made his life hell. Janson pushed him away before he was once again taken down by Trix.

Newt caught Thomas before he hit the ground.

"Hi Tommy." He grinned before wincing at one of the female alpha's well-placed hits to Janson's lower body.

"Newt, you're okay. Thank god." Thomas breathed as he pulled the blond into his arms.

"Not to interrupt or anything," Gally started as he slid over to the pair. "But we should get out of here. Before we go down with the building. Nice to see you again Newt."

Minho, Brenda, Fry and Aris ran over to them just as Trix collided with a wall. Janson's hands were wrapped around her pale throat. In retaliation, Trix headbutted him. Both parties stumbled away from each other and the wall holding their heads. They could hear their alpha quietly cursing about pulling that move when Janson caught her in the ribs with a left hook.

He then tried to run to where Thomas kicked the gun, only to receive a fireball to the arm. Sonya emerged from the shadows in a manner similar to her brother and shrugged.

"Gotta keep this a fair fight." She admitted as Trix jumped onto Janson's back, strangling him from behind.

Janson slammed himself to the floor hoping to crush Trix only to have her jump off as he did so. Trix started laughing until he grabbed her ankle and pulled her down as well.

The others just decided to watch the fight. All of them knew how long Trix had wanted to do this.

"If only we had popcorn." Brenda mentioned, making the others grin just as Trix broke Janson's nose.

It was only as Janson tried to hit Trix in the face that she'd unsheathed her claws. With a swift moment she slit the man's throat, leaving him to bleed out.

"I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to be here when this place blows." She announced before picking up her quiver and bow that had been forgotten in the fight.


The Gladers had all made it to top of the hill they'd agreed to meet the others on. It had a rather amazing view of the facility and was far away enough from any blast radius.

Thomas had immediately hugged Chuck when he saw him standing by Lyra, alive. Newt had embraced the others as Marie rushed over to Trix to make sure she was okay.

"Please tell me you killed that son of a bitch?" She asked her mate whilst holding her face in her hands.

At Trix's nod, she pulled the alpha into a kiss. Cheers and catcalls broke out as the Gladers saw a display of affection that would only occur in private between the two. Trix didn't care and flipped them off whilst returning the kiss.

As they pulled back they noticed the other established couple hugging and just making sure the other is okay.

"Not that I mind, but what was that for?" Trix asked with a purple coloured flush on her cheeks.

"Because you didn't die in there without saying goodbye." the coyote responded pulling the fox into a tight hug.

Trix pulled back and looked over to Minho to see him looking distressed. She followed his gaze to see Thomas and Newt standing away from the rest. She walked over to him, grinning widely.

It was at that moment that Newt shook his head exasperated and pulled Thomas into a kiss. One that Thomas responded with fervour once he'd gotten passed the shock. They were too wrapped up in each other to notice what was happening around them or the two who were staring at them.

Everyone quietened when they noticed it. Once the two pulled away, they weren't expecting the first thing that was said.

"HAHA BITCHES! I WIN! TIME TO PAY UP!" Trix yelled happily, jumping up and down.

All heads turned to where Trix was doing a miniature victory dance. Minho just looked at the two and mouthed 'why?'


Once everything had settled down in the group, Trix handed Thomas the detonator.

"I think you deserve this." She said smiling. "Time to make it rain Tommo."

Thomas grabbed her hand before she could walk away.

"I think we should do this together"

The two grinned and pressed the button, ending W.I.C.K.E.D. once and for all.


The Glader's watched the organisation burn from where they sat upon the hill. All the couples were sat close together, including Thomas and Newt. In their hands was a jar of Gally's special brew.

"This reminds me of the bonfire." Thomas admitted as he watched the flames.

He took a swig of the moonshine before handing it to Newt, who was resting his head on the brunet's shoulder.

"The one where Trix chased Minho with a machete?" He asked causing everyone to laugh at the story they'd been told or had witnessed first-hand.

"All I'm saying is that the shank was trying to cheat. I was only making sure he followed the rules." Trix piped up, igniting another round of laughter.

"For those of us who didn't know about the bet, could you please elaborate?" Thomas asked with narrowed eyes.

"Well, the bet was made when you two first met after Alby told us how you two seemed to look at each other as you were introduced. I bet that Thomas would make the first move, whilst Trix bet that Newt would." Minho started.

"At the bonfire, Minho tried to cheat by pushing a drunk Newt at Thomas. I only thought it was fair that the rules were made clear. Which was no direct interference from either parties or anyone else who was in knowledge of said bet." Trix finished as she stood.

Newt and Thomas shared another kiss and looked back to the fire burning before them.

Everyone's attention was diverted as they heard a horrid coughing from behind them.

Trix was crouched over as she hacked into her hand. She pulled her hand away to reveal a small splatter of black bile in her palm. She stared at it in shock.

"Oh shit." She muttered before collapsing.


A/N: NEWTMAS!!!!!!

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