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"Hey, Trix wait up!"

Trix turned from where she was pushing a trolley down the snack aisle in the local supermarket. Just to be safe on their way to Elysium, the British girl was stocking up on food and other supplies to save them all from any potential fall outs that could happen. Lydia, Malia and Kira were heading in her direction with their own trolley of food.

"I'm glad we found you, Scott's been preventing us from meeting up with you and the rest of your pack." Kira explained, smiling at the white-haired fox. "He's figured out when we're leaving to help you and has his remaining packmates hidden around where we were all going to meet."

The alpha sighed heavily and ran a hand down her scarred face in exasperation. Thomas had warned her of Scott's idiotic tendencies, she just hadn't considered him pulling a stunt like this. He was willing to make enemies of her pack and former members of his own because of his apparent possessiveness. How Thomas had dealt with him without murdering the wolf was astounding.

"It seems as if we have to change timings then. Gather the others and meet us at the motel we're staying at. Be prepared to leave tonight, it should throw them off for a while. At least long enough for us to get a headstart and hide our tracks." Trix paused before looking at the group again. "I recommend packing comfortable clothing and shoes. The scorch can be unforgiving."

The alpha fox smirked when she heard Lydia groan at her statement.

"See you later."


Trix stormed into the motel room looking miffed.

The Glader males hadn't seen her look that pissed off since Teresa ratted them out to WICKED. Not quite as pissed as she was whenever Ratman were near but definitely more than when Thomas stung himself with the needle that had come off of one of the Grievers.

"Who are you planning to murder now?" Gally asked the alpha. She had began pacing in the time it took the boys to realise they weren't her intended victims.

"How much trouble do you think I'd be in if I killed Scott McCall?" She rhetorically asked to no one in particular. "Possessive arsehole ruining our plans because he can't get a freaking clue! Stupid alpha doesn't know when he is not invited or needed."

Her muttering unnerved the others except Minho who had dealt with this type situation before. He slowly approached the fuming female and gently placed his hand on her shoulder. Physical contact had a way of helping Trix ground herself and remember the others in the room.

"What's the slinthead done now?" Thomas asked dragging a hand down his face.

Trix would have chuckled at how similar Thomas was to her if she wasn't so annoyed. She flung herself onto the sofa and buried her face into the arm rest before turning her face to face the others.

"We now have to leave tonight because he seems to think he can stop us. While I do enjoy a good fight every now and again, I don't have the patience to deal with that moronic piece of klunk."

"At least you don't have a certain Hale werewolf stalking you." Gally pointed out while Minho and Frypan snickered. Thomas looked murderously at the three for betraying him.

Trix raised dark eyebrow at the younger fox, her protective instincts flaring up at the mention of Derek. Thomas had told her how he used to treat him like shit and how he practically abandoned his betas. If Noah just so happened to recieve a pack of wolfsbane bullets and a note indicating that they should be used on one Derek Hale a the week after that phone call, Thomas didn't need to know.

"Something tells me that's not all he's been doing."

Thomas groaned before pushing Trix's legs of the sofa and curling into her side. As the older female ran a hand through his hair he sighed, relaxing.

"He keeps trying to make me stay. Says that I don't know you guys at all and that you could be evil. He also claims that I can't take care of myself." Thomas paused before lowering his voice. "He said that we're mates and I have to stay because I belong to him. I don't belong to anyone."

"HE WHAT?!!" The four yelled in unison.

Both Trix and Gally started to growl as their eyes began to glow, objects surrounding Frypan began to shake uncontrollably and Minho looked ready to hunt the wolf down and skin him alive. They all shared a look before moving from their places around their rented room. Or rather tried to.

Thomas had immediately coiled his arms around Trix tightly which caused her to trip from where she had tried to stand. She fell onto Gally, which lead to a domino effect on the group. As they collapsed into a pile of limbs, Thomas wiggled himself free and sat on top of them to prevent them getting up. Luckily for him, the news of what Derek had said had made them forget that two of them were stronger than him and could easily move him.

"You guys need to calm down! I know he isn't my mate! I'm gonna leave despite what he says!" Thomas exclaimed. "It just showed me what they're willing to do to keep me around. I would be flattered but they still treat me like I'm their personal encyclopedia or something. I'm still defenceless Stiles in their eyes."

When he felt them all calm slightly, he stood up and sat on the sofa again. Minho was the first to join him closely followed by Frypan. Gally stood behind them as Trix paced in front of them. She stopped and turned to face her pack.

"I'm not mad at them for wanting to keep you around. It's clear they care for you in some twisted way. I'm pissed because mates are sacred. To lie about being your mate to manipulate you would warrant death among some other packs. It's equivalent to kidnapping and slavery. Even the tribunal know how bad of an offence it is."

Trix slumped to the floor with her back supported by the other sofa in the room. She pulled her legs to her chest and hugged them close to her.

"Derek should've known about that. It is known by all of the supernatural communities and some of the hunter ones. You should be lucky Jorge and Brenda aren't here right now or they would've only encouraged us to hunt him down. Lucky for us, Gally seems to be the more level headed one of him and Brenda."

Thomas was about to open his mouth to respond when he was interrupted by a knocking at the door. Gally was the one to pull it open to reveal the group who were going to accompany them to Elysium to get Newt back and end WICKED once and for all. Just the thought of seeing the golden haired boy again relaxed Thomas. It was at that moment he promised himself that he would do whatever it would take to get Newt back. 

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