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Barry sighed. It was a tad over dramatic but it seemed like his friends brought that side out of him. Either that or Snart's dramatics were rubbing off on him. The rest of the Rogues probably didn't help with that.

His aforementioned friends were coming up with less than legal reasons as to why Len and Mick had left in a rush.

Kara seemed to notice his distress and yelled over the top of everyone's bickering to let Barry explain. The Kryptonian always seemed to know when Barry needed help and was happy to provide it. That and she didn't mind Mick or Len, possibly because she didn't know why everyone else thought there was something wrong with the two.

Thank the multiverse for Supergirl , Barry thought as everyone settled down.

"I know you're all curious as to why Len and Mick left, but you need to stop thinking the worst of them. Some kids they think of as family needed help, serious help."

Everyone seemed to sober up at the word kids. Children had always been something all the vigilantes had a soft spot for. No child should have to suffer.

"The main one, she's dying from a virus that was created to wipe out civilisation as we know it. They need the facilities and help to recreate the cure. They have the key ingredient but they need the Rogues help."

"Wait, the Rogues? As in the criminals you seem to fight every other day? Those Rogues?" Ray asked from where he was stood with Felicity and Oliver.

Everyone seemed surprised that the Rogues would be seeked out for help by some kids. Caitlin and Cisco looked the most shocked but Jax, Felicity and Team Supergirl understood.

"These kids had to save themselves when everything went to hell. They are weary around heroes because they don't believe in them. The Rogues had never once lied to them about who they were." Jax answered, knowing who Barry was talking about. "The girl they're saving, she means a lot to those guys. Mick and Leonard talk about her in a way I've only heard them talk about Lisa. She's like a daughter to them and much more to these kids. Can you imagine how terrifying this is for them?"

Apparently the Legends had no idea how much Jax talked to the duo. The others had ignored them but Jax had seen they way they'd asked Gideon on news regarding a group of kids. That was what encouraged him to ask them about it. They'd explained the situation to him since they trusted him more than the others.

Murmurs echoed around the room only to be silenced by Barry's phone ringing loudly. The green eyed vigilante quickly pressed the answer icon when he saw the caller ID.

"Len? Are they here yet or -" The speedster was cut off by Leonard's quiet voice on the other end.

"It's worse than we thought, we need all the help we can get. The gene that slowed the virus down is shutting off. She's got maybe a day at the most."

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