Crevania Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


We reached the carnival beside the Olive hotel. “Stay here. I’m going in alone.”

“No, you’re not.” He argued.

“Yes I am. You can’t go there because you’re rich and they’ll recognize you. Also, your powers are going ballistic at the moment. People will feel the inconsistency of your aura.” He can’t win this argument even if he tries to.

“But it’s dangerous to go there alone!”

“It doesn’t matter!” I yelled, scowling at him. “You will stay here. If I need you, I’ll light out a fire into the skies. One last thing, what does she look like?”

“She’s small, has orange hair and freckles on her cheeks” That was good enough for me so I went out and then went into the Olive Hotel. It took me five minutes to get there because I made look like I was sightseeing.

I entered in and a woman wearing a gray uniform entertained me. “Hello, good day to you madam… How can we be of service?”

“I will get married soon and I was wondering if I can use this place as a venue and even the honeymoon place.” I smiled. I can’t believe how flawless I am with lying.

“Oh my, that sounds wonderful!” She shouted in glee. Come, come, have a seat.” She led me to a coffee table. “So, what are you planning?”

“My name is Joan Lee.” It was my best friend’s undercover identity. Her real name is Joan Miller. I used it because it doesn’t feel right using Angelica Hove or Sphere here. Besides, I need to be able to write a contract that can be withdrawn in the bank. It’s kind of a check but the paper comes from them. I’ll just pay Joan later. She’s coming here anyway soon. I think she’ll be a breath of fresh air with all these commotion happening around me.

“Miss Joan, my name is Flora. So, when will the big day take place?”

“That’s what I want to discuss. I want to know all the perks of this building so I can decide where to conduct it. Whenever the place is vacant, we can time it then.” I crossed my legs and then brushed my chin with the back of my hand.

“For the first ten floors, these are rooms. 1-5, are conference rooms and 6-9 are floors with VIP suits and regular suits. On the 11th floor is a casino. 12th 14th and 15th floor are always occupied by regular customers. 16 to 20 are other suits and event area. The rooftop has a pool and a garden special for events like that.”

“Can you show me?” And so we took the elevator and rode to the roof top. It really looked amazing. It was perfect for a wedding.

It suddenly made me bitter about Xian again. We should be married by now. We should be on our merry honey moon. I never stopped hoping he’d come search for me. I’m still wishing he would regret what he did and come see me. How I wish he’d come begging for me to get him back.

“So, what’s the story of you and your fiancée?” She asked as we looked around.

“Well Flora, I was a home school teacher of a retarded kid. But then he got cured and just imagine this… my source of income has been deprived from me. I have saved a great deal of money but I have to search for another job. I got a teaching job at a school and I met him. Simon,” I couldn’t think of any other name right now but that. I can’t tell Xian because his face has been probably plastered in every newsstand in this continent. “At first we didn’t get along because I was cranky because of my misfortunes. But he helped me out a lot. There came a time when he needed my help and that’s when we became close.” It was all a lie. I wanted Xian to think that I was flawless. But in the end I wasn’t good enough for him.

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