Crevania Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Simon Rich

Here I was again, saying things I shouldn’t have. But it was necessary after everything I’ve heard from Gilbert. I must get her away from me and from Tyler. She’s devious, evil and now she plans on getting my son. I won’t let her. I must have my boy diagnosed if there was a spell casted to him. She must be obsessive of me just like he was with his boyfriend whom he crucified on top of an academy. I don’t want that kind of humiliation.

“That was mean.” Tyler muttered to me after I got a hold of myself and stopped crying.

“Why didn’t you ever talk to me?” I felt heartbroken and happy at the same time.

“You never really gave me a reason to do so. Angel was right. After mom died, all you did was to work and didn’t talk to me. You forgot that I’m not deaf, just mute.” My son talked like Angel, fierce and without mercy. His words struck through me like bullets.

“I’m sorry son.” I pleaded.

“Don’t worry, I’m not mad. I’m just answering your question. It’s alright. Now, my mother is here.” My head snapped up when he spoke.

“Mom,” I marveled. “Tyler, she is not Heaven.”

“I’m aware. She’s dead and became one of the guardians. I talk to her sometimes. Angel will become my legal mother someday and even when she still isn’t she put me higher than everyone else in her life. She will love me above all now that she has her emotions.” I was surprised when Tyler knew about that too. He spoke as if he wasn’t a child. I am hoping I am dreaming right now.

“How do you know all these things?”

“I just do. I can see fragments of the future after all.” My jaw literally dropped open.

“You can also nullify powers? How did you learn?”

“Mom taught me. She also said you were rude to Angel and she is very disappointed. Mom told me not to tell you before because you will never get over her.” Tyler explained.

Everything just caught up to me now. “Does this mean I’ll marry Angel someday?” The thought gave me shivers.

“I don’t know. All I know is that I’ll be his son and she’ll be my mother.” The kid said nonchalantly. “By the way, if you’re worried about me being targeted by the Yin Yang then forget about it. I can see the future so I can easily avoid them.”

“Tyler,” I mumbled.

“You need some time alone dad. I’m going to take a nap.” He went inside and I heard his door slam shut after a few moments.

I stood up and walked and walked replaying everything Gilbert told me about Angel and everything she said and everything Tyler said. Was it just hallucination? Was it just something to throw me off guard? Did she cure my son?

I walked for hours, going practically nowhere. It should be midday by now. “Hey Simon,” Joshua ran my way. “I was looking for you.”


“We were supposed to have breakfast. Want to eat lunch?” I didn’t answer and just looked at him. “You found out huh?” I hated the fact that Joshua knew before I did that my son could talk.

“What did Angelica do to him? Or you for that matter?” I hissed.

“What are you talking about dude?” He grabbed my shoulders but I shook it off.

“Everything has been out of place ever since she got here.” My heart was beating very loudly and I couldn’t help myself but feel angry.

“What’s wrong with you Simon? Ever since Angel got here, she made Richard a better person in matter of weeks. She saved my sister’s life and risked her own and got blinded in the process. She even made your son talk. You should be happy.” Joshua frowned at me.

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