Crevania Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

I woke up with tubes attached to my body. “She’s awake.” It was Joshua’s voice. Everything was dim lighted and there were doctors running about in the room.

The things attached to my body started to melt because of my power. I looked at my neck and the necklace was placed back to where it should be.

“You’ll burn the apparatus if you keep on doing that.” Joshua froze my body so I won’t catch on fire. “Here, I’ll take it off.”He pulled off the tubes and dextrose off of my arm and placed cotton balls on the holes.

I squeezed my eyes tightly to remember what happened last and when I did, my whole body turned to ice and then fire.

“Everyone, get out!” Joshua yelled at the doctors and they did as they were told. I burnt the machines and bed I was sitting on. Joshua kept on walking towards me.

“Tyler,” I cried. He kept on walking even when there was no longer anything that could be seen on me except fire. “He died… all because I couldn’t rescue him!”

“Angelica,” Joshua finally reached me with his body turned to ice. He wrapped his arms around me and then sighed. “I shouldn’t have left you. I should’ve save Tyler with you. I know how it hurts. I feel it too. I helped raise that boy and I love him so much too.”

When he hugged me, I felt calm but still sorrowful. It took some time for us to revert back to normal. “Heaven took him away. Even the corpse of Tyler I couldn’t keep.”

“Maybe she did take it away so it’d be easier for you to mourn and move on. It might be easier for everyone.” Joshua continued to brush my hair with his hand. He pulled back and when I looked up at him and his eyes were closed as he turned around. Josh threw me a white plain dress and I quickly placed it on.

“I still can’t believe he’s gone.” My hair started to set on fire again. Joshua reached inside his pockets and pulled out two rings. He placed it on me and my powers were quickly blocked.

“That should hold off your out breaks. Let’s go.” He forced out a smile for me. “Today is Tyler’s funeral.”

I tried to get up but I couldn’t. I was completely drained of power. The rings he placed are sucking most of mine.

He rolled his eyes and then sighed. He took me up his arms and then carried me out. “I told you to lose weight didn’t I? You’re heavy.” Josh teased but we both didn’t laugh.

Joshua took me back to my room and he placed me in the tub. He went out and then shut the door. I cleaned myself but I took my time relaxing in the tub afterwards.

Water clears my mind and it helps me now. I kept crying and crying again whenever I remember Tyler’s soft voice, his sweet smiles and those times when we just roll around the snow. I cried until exhaustion and before I knew it, I drifted into unconsciousness again.

A woman approached me slowly. We were in a magnificent garden and I was inside a huge ball. “Hi,” She smiled at me. I looked at her from head to toe. She had red hair too.

“Who are you?” I wondered.

“I’m Heaven Rich.” My heart was filled with rage the moment she answered me.

“How dare you show yourself to me?” I yelled. “Why did you grant my wish to open the necklace when Tyler wasn’t going to be saved? How could you let your son die?”

“I’m sorry if you can’t understand the circumstances now. Everything that happened… happened for a reason. Thank you for taking such good care of my son… our son. This is very hard for you, for Josh and for Simon but you can’t give up now. The prince needs you. Your friends need you. Most of all, your parents need you. You have to live. Tyler is happy wherever he is right now.”

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