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Ascension  / əˈsen(t)SH(ə)n/ - the path of those who are choosing to consciously step into a higher level of light. It's a personal choice to boldly step into the unknown in order to expand into an experience that is entirely new.

Omniscient POV

Things aren't looking to good for Mr.White! With exception that he had a few cracked ribs. Apparently he took some major blows to head. Our scans show that he has severe bleeding in the brain and internally around the abdomen area. I can promise you we're going to do everything we can to save Mr. White. We're prepping him right now to go relive some blood off the left lobe without rupture anything and to prevent clotting or any loss of oxygen. Then we're going to remove one of his ribs and stop bleeding in the abdomen! I hope Kai is strong! Cause he's in for the fight of his life! I will keep you updated as much as possible!"
The Doctor Told Kai's family, as they were standing with broken hearts and emptiness, waiting to see if Kai would return.


1 week later....

"Baby, look! It's Kai, I think he's trying to open his eyes!" I heard my mother say.

With all my strength I opened my heavy eyelids!

The bright lights made me flinch, until my eyes adjusted.

I looked around and saw I was in the hospital, but can't remember how I got here.

I tried to sit up but the pain that shot up my side made me forget all about that!

"Son Be still! You're body been through enough, just lay back." I heard my Pops tell me.

"Estella Baby go get the doctor!" He told my mother.

He walked over to me and rubbed the side of my face.

"You scared me Kai! I thought I lost you! I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, but you, you son, are the greatest thing I know! I love you and you better believe we going to get whoever did this to you!" He told me.

I tried to speak but my throat was sooo dry.

"Shhhhh Shhhh it's okay, you don't have to say anything, save your energy. I probably should go tell your friends that you're awake, that Jayvaughn kid, never left your side! He's even help calm your mother down. He's okay with me, but you have some explaining to do young man." He said winking his eye and leaning down to kiss me on my forehead.

He walked out the room.

Jayvaughn never left.

"Mr.White!" The doctor said loudly as he entered the room.

"Mr. White I'm Dr.Howard. Now I know you understand that your body has been under a lot of stress, cracked ribs that actually punctured a lung that caused internal bleeding. But no worries we cleaned all that up, but we had to remove a few ribs, but you'll be fine you'll have some pain though. You also had some extreme bleeding on the brain, caused from the blunts your head encountered. I'm not going to lie the bleeding was pretty bad, but we did get in there and saved you. Your frontal lobe definitely suffered the most but luckily we got to it in the nick of time. Due to your body being under so much stressed I deemed it necessary to put you under a medically induced comatose state." The doctor told me.

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