The Reaping

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     "Peeta Ciabatta Mellark" My mother screams from the kitchen "get in here right now."
I waste no time to getting to the kitchen knowing it would only result in a beating or scolding.

  "Yes mother." I say staring at my shoes.

  "Get dressed its reaping day."

   "Yes mother." I reply nodding my head. I turn around and bump into my father. He takes his hand and slaps me across the face leaving it red and stinging.

  "Watch where your going boy." He shouts spitting in my face.

  I weave around him and head into my bedroom to get changed. I pick out a simple white shirt and black pants thinking this could be the last outfit from home I ever wear. I push that thought aside and clear my head telling myself I'm not going to be picked. My name is only in there 5 times their not going to pick me.

  Once I'm done I walk back to the kitchen just as the horn blows. My mother and father both hug me goodbye before I go. When they're done I walk out the front door and slam it tight. As I head towards the justice building I try to imagine me in the games, wearing one of those outdoor forest outfits and running through a river with my face covered in scars.

   When I finally reach town square I quickly slide into a sign in line. Everyone is wearing the same expression as me, scared but trying to look brave. Some are trying to calm down new comers, while others are trying to calm themselves down. Before I  know it I'm at the front of the line and the lady's snapping her fingers at me. I rush forwards and give her my hand. She pricks it and pushes it against the page calling for her next victim.

  I head over to where all the kids from school are standing and face the front waiting for the district 12 escort to reap the tributes. After about 5 minutes Effie Trinket walks out onto the stage in her usual crazy pink dress and matching heels. I've never understood Capital clothing, it's all so odd with too many ruffles and the wrong shades of orange and green. Before I can imagine anyone else in the Capital Mrs.Trinket has reached the microphone.

"Welcome, welcome." She says in her normal high pitch voice. "We welcome you. Before we begin we have a very special film, brought to you all the way from the Capital." She points to the large screen on the right side of the stage. As the film plays it talks all about how the Hunger Games began and how they work. The film ends and in unison all the possible tributes face the front of the stage.

  "Now the time has come for us to select one courageous young man and women, for the honour of representing district 12 in the 74th annual Hunger Games. As usual ladies first." Effie dramatically circles her hand above the names in the girls bowl. She then reaches in and pulls out a name. All the girls and boys wait in silence to find out who this years tribute will be. Effie carefully unfolds the slip and steps up to the microphone. "Primsose Everdeen."

   "No" I say a bit too loudly. Im shocked that Prim got picked, its her first year so her name should only be in there once plus she's Katniss Everdeen's sister, a girl everyone from 12 knows because she has the best aim with a bow you could ask for.

  "Prim!" Someone calls from the girls side. I turn and see that it's Katniss. "Prim!" She calls again. The peacekeepers try to push her back but she wont budge. "No, no, I volunteer! I volunteer!" She screams and pushes past the guards. "I volunteer as tribute!" She runs forward and hugs her sister. They have a quick chat and Prim starts yelling. Gale Hawthorne steps forwards and throws Primrose over his shoulder like shes air. The peacekeepers push Katniss towards the stage.

  "A dramatic turn of events here in district twelve." Effie says to the camera. She turns back to Katniss and waves her forward "Well come on, up up" I watch as Katniss heads up the stairs and onto the stage. "What's your name  deary?"

  "Katniss Everdeen." She replies, her face turning dove white.

  "Well I'll bet my hat that was your sister"


"Lets give a round of applause for  district twelves very first voluteer Katniss Everdeen." Effie claps dramatically, but no one joins in. Instead they put 3 fingers to their lips and raise them high in the air. "Time for the boys" She says a little too quickly. I watch as she swirls the names around and plucks one out like a feather off a bird. She steps back up to the mic and rips open the paper. "Peeta Mellark." My breath catches in my throat and I can't breathe. Everyone around is looking strait at me, so there's no faking it.

  The peacekeepers march me up the center aisle impatiently. I pray that my Katniss will charge after me and voluteer, but no one will and no one does. I walk up the stairs looking out at the audience knowing that I'm going to die and that I want them to be the last thing I think about. I can hear my mother cursing from the parents section. Shes probably mad that she'll lose a baker, though I never really was a good one. That's when the realization hits me I stare at Katniss and she stares back. We shake hands and I have a flash back.

I'm standing out on the back porch of the bakery, It's pouring rain and I'm holding 2 freshly burnt loaves of bread. My mother hits me hard the side of my head and goes back inside. I see Katniss sitting freezing and starving next to the pig pen and I know what the  right thing to do is. I toss half a loaf of bread to the pigs and the rest to the girl of my  dreams.

  Suddenly reality hits me hard, in the face, with a door. When the stun is gone I turn around to see that I'm standing in a room with red velvet couches and cream coloured walls. The reaping's over. Its official. I'm going into the arena.

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