The Tribute Center

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"So each district gets a floor and since your from 12 you get the penthouse!" Effie tells us as we ride up the elevator. When we reach floor 12 we step off and enter into a giant green and blue themed apartment. Effie allows us to check out the rooms for a bit before dinner. I walk around looking at every little detail. There's a blue tiled dinning platform near the entry with a glass table and green futuristic chairs.

Below the platform theres a waterfall falling over silver rocks. The water is the cleanest I've ever seen and I want to drink it but I think better of that idea. In front of the waterfall sits a dark blue, cresent moon shaped couch with a lime green oval table placed in the middle. The couch faces a large television which we'll probably use for watching the evaluation scores and reapings again to try and figure out how to kill the others.

I walk past the t.v. into a short hallway with glass on either side. When I turn around I see Katniss walking down an identical hallway on the other side of the room. I head towards the door on the other end of the walkway. When I reach the entrance to what I think is my bedroom for the next few days I turn the knob and push the tightly hinged barrier open.

Inside, there is a low bed with dark turquise covers, black pillows and a neon green cylinder pillow to top it off. Next to the bed there's a small 3 drawer nightstand with a lamp and schedule on it. I don't quite understand why the dresser has drawers, it's not like anyone brings anything with them. I notice a solid metal door on the other side of the bed frame and walk over to see where it leads.

I'm walking through the doorway when I hear a smash. I run into the room and see an avox with long red curly hair, pale skin and grey eyes picking up peices to a glass cup. An avox is a criminal who broke the law or intercepted with Capital/ peacekeeper business and were taken to the Capital, had their tongues cut out so they couldn't talk, and were put to work doing the jobs no one wanted. I walk over to help her clean up the mess. When she sees me she shakes her head violently and tries to push me out the door.

"No." I tell her. "Let me help." She allows me to help as long as I don't talk to her. We finish in a matter of minutes and she leaves to get a new glass. I look around the bathroom and become fascinated with the shower. There're so many buttons and levers that I feel like if I press anything I'll cause a blackout. Instead of fiddling with the shower I decide to go get ready for dinner.

When I walk back into my bedroom I see that the avox I helped laid out an outfit for me. I pull on the black jeans and white blouse tucking it in at the waist. As I'm pulling on the tight fitting shoes they've left out for me someone knocks on the door. I pull the entryway open to find Katniss standing infront of me wearing white skinny jeans and a black loose fitting top.

"Effies waiting." She says sternly. "Capital people don't like to wait so come on." She grabs my arm and pulls me down the corridor. I look out the windows and see how bright the Capital is at night. As quick as it appeared the veiw is taken from me.

We walk to the dinning platform and take a seat across from our stylists. Effie sits at the head of the table the farthest away from Haymitch, who at a dinner table you want to be close to. He has great stories to tell about things he's seen in the Capital and the games. I got the other side of the table, Effies side. Sitting next to Effie sucks. She talks about fashion. All fashion. Not how her life is and how the Capital is, just shoes and clothes.

When dinner is served Effie still doesn't shut up about this years trends. She talks as soon as her mouth is empty and then eats quickly so she can keep talking. The good news is I won't have to listen to her tomorrow night because we will be talking about the other tributes strengths and weaknesses. I try to tune out Miss. Trinket but it's impossible with her high pitched Capital accent.

When dinner ends I walk back into my bedroom and put on the light blue silk pajamas that have been left out for me. What is it with the Capital and the colour blue? It's like everywhere I turn it's blue bedspread's and blue furniture, blue p.j's and blue tiled floors. What ever happened to the colour orange? I love the colour but I only see it at sunrise and sunset. It's so beautiful when it fills the sky waking up the world or letting it fall asleep. I climb into bed and fall asleep, resting up for my first day of training.

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