bloody cranks

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❝ Come on, let's go

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❝ Come on, let's go. But when we get out there, try to look like you're not kids running away from WICKED. ❞



HAVING NOT SLEPT IN EARLY 24 hours, Cally has grown tired. No, not tired in the sense of walking. But the tired that looms over her body every second they spend in the Underneath. Oddly enough, her body heat has trapped itself inside of her cloak, making her comfortably warm, just making the need to close her eyes, cuddle up into a ball and sleep almost overwhelming.

But Cally is highly determined to find Brenda and her newly found friend, Thomas. Through the hours of thinking and rethinking this, she has finally settled on these kids should be labeled as her comrades. 'Cause like it or not, she figures she's going to be with them for a while. At least till when they get to the Right Arm.

Time flew by when she talked to Aris. Even though she had other people to talk to and indulge, she found that she actually clicked with him. How that they are similar in ways, or that he is the childlike natured being that she has so dearly missed and longed to have. It just wasn't often when Cally could get a real laugh with Jorge or Brenda.

Cally has never been one to talk much, even Aris couldn't break that habit out of her. So, even if she wouldn't respond, he would know she's listening by the way her hazel eyes will light up or nod.

"You don't talk much, do you?" Aris asks as they turn another corner, his hand running along the wall, the sandpaper feeling runs under the pads of his fingers.

Cally shrugs making Aris let out a frustrated huff his hands running down his face, "Oh come on, Cal."

With the use of the nickname she looks up at him, the darkness around them isn't as dark as it was when they first started walking. Maybe because they have grown used to the darkness. She hasn't heard anyone else call her by that nickname besides Jorge and sometimes Brenda, but from Aris it's shocking. She decides in this moment she likes Aris the most out of all of them.

Newt hasn't left her side since the half-bodied Crank. Even if they didn't really speak, she found him intriguing. And in the small conversations she would have with him, she found herself actually carrying on longer than she would do with Aris.

"I just love how we have been walking for hours and still haven't found out way out." Minho groans, every thirty minutes or so he would make a remark or spill out a complaint.

Jorge let's out a laugh, "I'm tired of your complaining, boy. But it just so happens you got lucky."

"What do you mean?"

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