night watch

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❝ Everyday I'm forced to add another name to the list of people who piss me off, Thomas

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❝ Everyday I'm forced to add another
name to the list of people who
piss me off, Thomas. ❞



SAND AND DEAD PLANTS SURROUND the kids. They sit on the paved road, dead plants coming through the cracks in the cement. The popping of the fire in the middle of the human circle giving off a good amount of heat. Cally is more than thankful for Frypan knowing how to start a fire, even if it was a bit challenging due to the fact there isn't any wood. Limiting them to the trash found in the back seats of Bertha.

The cool air of the night is relieving from a whole day of blazing heat. But the comfort allows for their demons to come flooding back. Which doesn't sit well with Cally, she doesn't want to slip off into her mind, not alone at least. She doesn't want to have to deal with the monsters of her mind alone, not tonight.

Pushing herself up off the ground, everyone's eyes land on her. She's noticed how often she draws attention to herself, how different it is now from when she was back home. She was so quite people had to ask is she was some kind of newbie. Cally doesn't know what's worse, everyone watching or no one knowing who in the world she is.

The light from the fire is faint on her face, from being so far away from it now. She swallows, before speaking, "Would be smart if someone kept watch. I gonna do that."

Sounding stupid, Cally cringes walking away. Why would she need to keep watch when the land surround them is flat? And there is not room for no human or crank to hide. Her black combat boots hit the pavement causing a soft echo through the air as she walks to the car. The wind hitting the side of her face moving stands of hair in front of her eyes.

The fire is a good distance away from the car, mostly because Jorge didn't want to catch their only transportation device up in flames. Farther and farther she gets away from her friends, the cold air starts to get to him, but he decides to ignore it, even if she can see her breath.

Climbing on top of the car, the hood making weird noises as she makes her way to the top. She sits on the middle of the roof. Crossing her legs Indian style and looking across the plane, a part of her wishes she didn't leave the fire.

In the distance there is nothing but darkness. The outline of mountains just miles away, makes her heart pick up speed. As soon as they make it to the mountains, their home free. Jorge hasn't really spoke about the Right Arm since they left, maybe he has and Cally was asleep. All she knows is that they are held up in the mountains somewhere and they won't be there long.

As the cool air beats it way at her, she pulls the cloak around herself tighter. Hoping that she can build up some body heat and stop the shivering. She glances back to the fire, just now taking in really how far away the vehicle is from the group. Her spot in the middle of Aris and Athena is still open for her, that if she walked back now she could act like nothing happened.

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