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XXI. Shh

❝ I feel like a part of my soul
has loved you since the
beginning of everything. ❞

THE WEEK AFTER CALLY AND Des finally reconnected, the two siblings have come inseparable. You see one and you see the other. The dynamic duo. Which also meant Cally was never left alone. Meaning, Newt could never get to her without her brother being there on her hip.

Newt was glad for Cally, he knew that if he ever had a sibling (that he could remember) he would never want to leave their side. But this was different. He NEEDED to speak with Cally. The thoughts about the hazel eyed girl that whirled around his head made him itch. Tearing him from the inside out.

Tonight was the night of the bonefire. Frypan came up with that idea. He told Vince what they used to do in the Maze everytime they got a new greenie. Told him it was like a welcoming. Making it very suitable for the newcomers that have arrived in these past few weeks.

This made Cally happy, she loved her new friends. Even though, she can admit she didn't start off on the right foot with some of them.

The crunching of sand underneath her boots as she strolled her way through the camp with a stack of dead twigs from the surrounding of their shelter. The small pieces of wood digging into her forearms as she approached the ashes of the fire pit. She just knew she would have splinters when she checked her arms later, but that didn't seam to faze her.

Sitting the bundle onto the ground, Cally dusted her hands off onto her black cargo pants. Even though this wasn't that big of a task, the little things like this is what made her feel like her life was normal. Even though, she knew, nothing in her life would ever be normal like she hoped.

As she sun slowly cascaded into the horizon, the sky inevitably turning the shade of auburn orange. The temperature decreasing, the sweat under her shirt cooling her body. Cally stood and watched the sunset. Astonished.

"Hey Cal." A very familiar voice rose from beside her. She didn't even hear Des walk up, she wasn't mad about his presence or him pulling her out of her trance.

"Nice to see you Des. Are you excited about tonight?" Cally asked her sibling, a genuine smile lasted on her face. Allowing the alabaster teeth to shine, even with the sun to her back.

Des didn't know how to feel, in all honesty. Being who he was, he never really enjoyed being around large groups of people. But he lied, only to make Cally happy.

For days his sister had been going on about the bonfire. He knew she was excited. For what exactly? He didn't know. "Sooo excited." He smiled back.

Before Cally could answer, Thomas' voice rose from the distance. "Des?! Smiling? Someone take a picture!" The lisp in Thomas' voice very prominent and his words historic.

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