train heist

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XXII. Train Heist

❝ I trust God. If this is the
path he chose for us to follow,
then we must keep going forward.
We are needed in the future. Not
in the past. ❞

THE OBNOXIOUS CRASHING OF THE wind into Cally's ear drum almost drove the young girl insane. Her long fingers rested against the leather barrel of the rifle that Brenda had handed her just minutes before when they entered the rusted vehicle.

The tall and collapsed buildings surrounded them for only a second due to the speed that Jorge was driving. The dust from the road met Cally's face, finding its way into her throat and lungs causing her to have a coughing fit.

The two in the front couldn't hear her distressed choking. Soon enough the taste of iron rushed into her mouth, alarming the dark headed girl. This wasn't the first time this has happened to her this week. This has happened to her multiple times.

Coming to a sudden stop, the back of the seat stopping Cally from throwing up a lung. Jorge swiftly pulled out his watch. The ticking from it was steady and constant.

"When is the train passing?" Cally asked, her head between the passenger and driver seat. Her head switching from side to side to look at their concentrated faces.

Any minute now, Jorge glanced down at the golden watch again. "They're late." He sighed with frustration. His graying eyebrows drown together in thought as he looked out the window of the rover.

They sat on a hill, the rover almost completely camouflaged in plane sight. The sound of the yelling train sounded faint in the distance. A smile slowly formed itself on Cally's face.

Cally's small hands hit both Jorge and Brenda's shoulders in a pat. "Let get this show on the roll!"

Throwing herself back into the back seat, Cally held onto the rifle, her trigger finger itching.

Today was the day that she would see her friends again. For how she has missed Ria, Minho, and the young deaf child who Cally had now forgotten the name of.

It saddened her that she couldn't remember the child's name. For weeks she had forgotten the simplest things. Like when to eat, what she was doing at that time, and even walking. This was starting to bother her. She had no idea what was wrong with herself.

"You guys ready?" Jorge yelled over the wind before they jumped over a hill. Sweat started to beed on her forehead.

"Ready as i've ever been." Cally yelled back at her father figure. Happy to finally be able to spend some time with them just like the good ole days.

They came to the side of the train. The metal on metal sent cold chills through Cally. With all of the rovers power, they barely kept up with the trains speed. Holding her gun with all of might, her palms starting to sweat. The three made their way up to the front of the roaring train.

"Brenda! I'm coming up from behind! Keep em' busy!" Thomas yelled through Brendas radio, the stress in his voice making an impact on Cally's concentration.

Brenda quickly handed Cally the hand held radio, signaling her to communicate back to Thomas. Before Cally could ask Brenda what she wanted her to say, Brenda was already standing up on the passenger seat with her gun pointed directly towards the engine of the train. From what Cally could see, Brenda was able to get one of the conductors. But she wasn't for sure.

Falling back into her seat, Brenda had a huge smile on her face and Jorge cheered for her. "Did you get one?" Cally yelled over the engine noise of the jeep. Brenda didn't respond, maybe because she didn't hear Cally.

Looking towards the end of the train, the brown headed girl could see a blur of Thomas vehicle. Her heart twisted, knowing what Thomas was gonna do to get on that train. Hoping that he wouldn't miss and somehow hurt himself seriously. Because without him, they wouldn't be where they are today without the boy.

Milliseconds later the fire of the gun went off, a bullet flying just beside her ear. Cally's gaze locked into the armored men on the train. Pointing their black guns right towards them. Trying to find some kind of slight cover in the truck of the jeep, Cally shot back multiple times. Only landing a few shots into the train guards. But none of the rounds looked to even faze the people.

Brenda and Cally loaded their fire out on the two guards. Their bodies tumbled off the sides of the train in such a fast speed Cally couldn't try to find their bodies. But her eyes did catch something more important in the corner of her eye. Something that seemed to be flying.


"Uh... guys.." Cally yelled over the noise. Catching the attention of both of her colleagues.

"Holy shit." Jorge screamed.

Time started to go in slow motion of Cally in this moment: Ass the machine guns started to lower out the bottom end of the flying piece of metal.

"Hey! Brenda! You got company!" Thomas screamed through the radio. His voice starting to break up from the distance they had from one and another.

"Go! Go! Go!" Brenda screamed at Jorge. The torque of Jorge pressed on the gas almost threw Cally out of the back of the jeep. Her stomach hitting the hatch of the trunk. Knocking all of the air out of her.

Explosions started going off around her. Being almost on her side, Cally's body was moving side to side in the bed. Her head banging against the side walls of the trunk bed. Unable to cover her head from all of the force. Cally blacked out.


"Step out the vehicle with your hands up!" Screams a mans voice from something like a microphone. The yell is demanding and evil making Cally's sore works form cold chills. Everything moved in slow motion as she tries to roll onto her stomach to try to see who is speaking. Until she realizes the wind hitting her face and slightly drawing her brown hair back over her shoulders.

Cally's hazel eyes dart to Jorge, his face is full of defeat.

This can't be it. Cally tells herself. All of this just to end up like Era?

"Cally hide behind a bush. They haven't seen you yet. Find the others..." Jorge whispers and winks while scooting out the drivers side door.

Cally hesitates, confused. If they were going to be captured then so would she. Then she thought back to Newt earlier. Explaining the plan Jorge made up if they got caught.

Oh! Okay.. Cally slides herself out the trunk and runs and ducks behind a bush, her eyes watching as very armored men and women storm out the hovercraft.

To her right she sees Frypan and she slowly makes her way to him "Hey Cal, take this." He whispers as he gives her a pistol that happens to be the one she left back at camp. "I thought you didn't leave anywhere without your baby." He smiled, and then glanced back up to Brenda. Pulling a fishing wire and letting the doors of the trap door fall alongside all of the troopers.

Except for one. They all jump out from the shadows with guns drawn. Cally's pistol pointed at the back of ones head. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." She growled as she ripped out the shotgun from his grasp.

Frypan then pushed the guard into the pit with their friends, with grunt he smiles.



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