road block

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❝ Guns and bullets, bullets and guns

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❝ Guns and bullets, bullets and guns.
I've said it once and I'll say it again,
this is a long way away from the Glade. ❞



LIKE HER SCREAMS CARRIED FROM her dream and into real life, Cally throws herself forward. Taking in gasps of breath trying to contain her sanity and letting her eyes readjust. Because the blinding light that threw the girl back into reality was only in her mind. Just like the boy with the piercing blue eyes.

As the dream seems to fade, she grasps onto the one thing that she knows she needs to keep. That his name was Des. How she wishes she could make sure that was just a dream, that the little boy was more than a fragment of her imagination. But there's no way that was a dream, it all felt too real.

"Hey, Cally? What's wrong?" Thomas asks from behind her. His words come out raspy, reminding Cally about the darkness of the night that surrounds them.

Turning her body to where she's facing him, she sees him resting on his elbow, leaving him elevated off the top of the car. Pressing her lips together and swallowing her own spit, her throat is coarse from the screaming she must have done. "Yeah. I'm okay. It was a nightmare, that's all."

The boy's dark eyes search her face, he knows she clearly lying. Because even Thomas can read her, everyone can. Besides, Thomas knows it when someone is lying about a Nightmare, he's done it plenty of times himself. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." She answers before laying back down on the roof of the car beside Thomas. "I mean, mostly because I don't remember most of it... it's all blurry and white now." She isn't lying, everything is blurred, besides the the boy's face and name. Everything else was like she wasn't suppose to see.

"What about the small bit you do remember? Want to talk about that?" He pauses as he shifts himself to look at Cally, "I've had my share of Nightmares myself."

Cally watches as Thomas presses his thumb to his chest, emphasizing the word 'myself'. She lets out a sigh, trying to pull all the memories she can from the blurry mess inside her head, still the only thing that is clear to her is Des' name and the last thing he said to her.

"I was... in this facility, I think it had white walls and white floors." Cally shifts her position, with a grunt before continuing. "I don't remember that clearly, but there was this boy. Bright blue eyes and very young, he was bringing me somewhere."

There's a moment of silence, either because Cally is too scared to say the name out loud or for Thomas who doesn't know what to say. That he is scared too.

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